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Sir Bob Jones

The World Health Organisation has, to its great credit, now reversed its position on lockdowns. “The only things lockdowns achieved was poverty. They make poor people even poorer,” WHO Dr David Nabarro said.

I predicted this conclusion on this blog back in March, easy of course for a by-stander not bearing the responsibility.

Nabarro is just one voice. Scientists, epidemiologists and other relevant personnel are now nearly universally slamming lockdowns.

In Britain, the standout best brain on this topic all year has been Oxford University’s Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology at Oxford University. She’s an extraordinarily clever woman with form in calling things right.

Boris wanted to follow her advice but was persuaded to run with the London fear-broker who had established disastrous form in getting things wrong.

To make things clear, Nabaro is not slamming lockdowns totally, but instead as, in his words, a “primary approach,” rather as Germany has done. Thus instead of blanket lockdowns, confine them to centres of outbreaks.

The economic toll is currently being smothered by printing money.

In New Zealand, the always wrong economists claim we currently have a 4% unemployment rate. That is ludicrous.

For years we’ve struggled to obtain receptionists in our Wellington office. The capital as an administration centre is never hugely impacted by economic downturns and enjoys full employment for office workers.

Well, a recent advert for a front desk receptionist elicited an unbelievable 226 written applications, some from really talented girls who we’ve taken on anyway and created useful and immensely more interesting jobs befitting their abilities.

As I’ve written before, we’re in the phoney war stage. Next year will be hellish, thanks to the unnecessary and destructive blanket lockdowns we adopted.

Typical of the backlash against ill-thought mass lockdowns is the article below by the Australian newspaper’s Economics Editor.

Such arguments are now daily events in Britain’s serious press.

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