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I watched a video of a Kiwi based in America, Trevor Loudon, who is with Epoch TV. Trevor did a sixteen-minute piece entitled “The Real Jacinda Ardern”. In this he highlighted the many former communist, now so-called socialist, friends Ardern has cultivated over the years. He backed up his naming of these people with photographs of Ardern with them. One photo had Grant Robertson in a group. Ardern, Robertson and most of her Cabinet are hard-left socialists and, according to some of them speaking in Parliament recently, proud to be so. However, they are of a mindset that goes much deeper than simply being a socialist.

Loudon pointed to the number of current Labour MPs who have either come from university students’ associations or a trade union background. He calls Ardern a “hard left socialist”; in fact, he calls her “a small c communist”.  He says the Socialist Youth Organisation of which she was President has since become a lot more communist and today is really a communist organisation.

Loudon says most Kiwis are unaware that there is a communist movement in New Zealand that has deeply penetrated the Labour Party and completely controls the Green Party. He points out that Ardern is working overtime on giving more power to Maori which is part of the communist agenda.

Loudon says politics are being transformed before our very eyes. What that means is the education system is gradually going to be transformed. The radicals who control the Maori movement are going to get more and more power. It means the legal system is going to be transformed and our foreign policy is going to be steered away from Australia and America towards China, Vietnam and other communist countries.

Loudon points out that businesses here are still thriving to a degree and that is primarily because the communists of today have worked out you do all the social stuff first and leave the businesses till last. He says they will be clamped down eventually but everything else will come first.

How much of what Loudon says do you want to believe? How much do you believe to be true? Let’s take education. That is being transformed before our very eyes as we speak. And in a dangerous way. White privilege courses were organised for the 3,000 Ministry of Education staff and for those working for the Education Review Office. These courses are also being run at teacher-only days. The Secretary for Education, Iona Holstead, appears to be denying this. She told Heather du Plessis Allan on ZB that teacher-only days were mostly about literacy and numeracy, and white privilege only plays a small part. She says teachers can opt in or out and it is not compulsory teaching.

Barry Soper, also talking with Heather, was in possession of evidence from a teacher which included some audio. He said the teacher-only days are eight hours of the white privilege type instruction. It is compulsory, and teachers do exercises in conjunction with the programme. Barry said, and Heather agreed, that if he were a parent he would be concerned about this sort of subject matter being taught. It tells you something when teachers voice their reservations about this being foisted on them. You have to ask the question: why the government are not stopping this type of nonsense? The answer is because they are behind the implementation of it.

Take other areas like housing and the government’s bashing landlords. They want them out of the market. They want to be the sole provider of rental housing. Kiwibuild was supposed to fit the agenda but, like everything else, they didn’t have the nous to run it. Look at their planned centralisation of the health system. All part of the big plan, folks. Turn to foreign policy and the Five Eyes; soon to be four if we are not careful. We are now out of step with the Western world. Ardern is taking us to where her friends are. An occasional very mild verbal slap on the wrist for China is simply to give the impression that we are still in step.

Make no mistake, we are being taken on the road to communism by a government of hard-left socialists/communists. These people have an agenda and a goal, and, aided and abetted by a media living off government handouts, they are just getting started. Remember a few weeks ago Grant Robertson wanted more control over the Air NZ Board and was even hinting he might determine where and when the planes flew? That’s the business end of it. This crowd are trying to hide what they are doing by straight out lying. That, to them, doesn’t matter. All that matters is the end goal.

I noted in the comments on my last article, “Judith Collins – A Prime Minister in Waiting”, that a number gave her support of the gun legislation as a reason they would not vote National. I say, forget your bloody guns. The future of this country is at stake. The next election simply must result in a National/Act coalition government. It is imperative all right thinking and right leaning people wake up to the treasonous path we are on.

The situation reminds me of a poem written sometime ago in a magazine I subscribe to, referring to Britain and the need to exit the EU. I will change a few words to suit –

A nation sleeps, a people doze,
Unconscious, dreaming, comatose,
Whilst traitors beaver feverishly,
To bury our democracy.

Those scheming for the communist state,
Hope Kiwis will awake too late,
Too late to stop what’s going on,
To find their independence gone.

That poem reflects exactly the state this country is in right now. No amount of government-bought media column inches or scurrilous polls can change that fact. Voting National or Act at the next election is your democratic choice but it has to be one or the other. You’re not voting for guns or any other single issue, you are voting for democracy and the continuation of a New Zealand society as we know it. Make sure it’s not the last time you have that right.

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