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WA Government Bans Christians From State-Owned Venues

WA premier Mark McGowan waves a $5m cheque at local CCP representatives. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I wrote some time ago, the Chinese virus has sent West Australia spiralling into an elected dictatorship. Sick with both an unholy panic over the Wuhan plague and an infectious avarice for Beijing’s cash, the state has voted itself an increasingly arrogant dictator.

Mark McGowan continually snipes at the federal government while it battles an unprecedented diplomatic and trade war with China. Which should be no surprise: WA survives almost completely on China’s insatiable greed for iron ore. McGowan is literally selling his country to the Nazi Germany of the 21st Century.

Not content with that, though, McGowan is increasingly acting the Little Hitler.

Under the Iron Ore Processing Agreement Amendment Act, McGowan has made himself and his Attorney General exempt from the criminal law and civil liabilities. “The Rules known as the rules of natural justice (including any duty of procedural fairness) do not apply to; or in relation to, any conduct of the State.”

The Act also exempts anything connected to “a disputed matter” from freedom of information association laws and grants criminal immunity to the State and its agents.

Not content with that, McGowan has the pandemic to grant his government the power to make laws without reference to Parliament.

In the words of Star Wars Padme Amidala, democracy in WA has died to thunderous applause. Partly thanks to a pathetic opposition and mostly due to the pandemic panic, McGowan won a thumping victory at the last state election.

It’s clearly emboldened the Little Hitler of the West.

A West Australian government policy of refusing to lease its entertainment venues to groups with alternative views to the government has scuppered plans for a series of appearances in the state by the head of the Australian Christian Lobby […]

The venue hire policy was ­finalised just days after the state government’s emphatic March election win, and amended following its decision to ban the ACL from its venues across the state.

It states the trust will not accept individuals or organisations “where the content of the event does not represent the views of the West Australian government or the vast majority of Western Australians”.

Any time someone asserts their personal opinions as “the vast majority”, you know straight away that they’re full of shit.

The openly autocratic McGowan is banning any opinion that differs from his in state-owned venues.

What this shocking rule also shows is how much the left openly hate Christianity. McGowan’s paymasters in Beijing would be pleased.

The ACL is now considering whether to take legal action against the trust, with the policy potentially in breach of section 62 of the Equal Opportunity Act.

That act makes it unlawful for a person to not make facilities available to another person on the grounds of their religious or political convictions.

Peter Abetz, the WA state director of the ACL, told The Australian the policy appeared to be a serious example of government censorship. “I’d be very keen to see it progressed and the policy gets changed, or if they don’t do it voluntarily, then perhaps we need to go to some kind of discrimination tribunal.”

Naturally, too, the WA government’s own laws don’t apply to them.

While the updated policy expressly rules out leasing venues to “political parties for the purposes of electioneering and fundraising”, venues managed by the Perth Theatre Trust and fellow government body VenuesWest were hired out to WA Labor Party candidates and the party in the lead-up to the March election.

Retiring Labor MP Peter Watson held both a Christmas concert for constituents late last year and his farewell in January at the Albany Entertainment Centre, while his successor in Albany, Rebecca Stephens, held an event at the venue just before the election.

The Labor Party’s campaign launch was also held at the state-owned Perth Arena.

The Australian

In the 1980s, WA Labor was notorious for “WA Inc”, a government of staggering corruption. Then Labor premier Brian Burke eventually went to jail.

If only he’d thought to make himself exempt from prosecution. Amateur.

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