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Want Some LIES with Your Chile?

A ticket office burns during a protest against the increase in the subway ticket prices in Santiago © Reuters

What is it with the mendacious hard-left? They’re pathological liars: diseased.

If you believe, as the left-bent parrots have been repeating, that the current violence in Chile is the result of a 1% rise in Metro train-system fares then, boy, have I got a bridge-to-nowhere for sale, and you’ve just got to buy it.

These violent protests are the work of a well-organised network of Marxists and ‘social reformers’ (fringe-Marxists) hoping to embarrass the Chilean government at the APEC summit due to be held there in a little over three weeks. They want to ‘shame’ the ‘neo-liberal’ policies and government of Sebastián Piñera using the hoary chestnut of ‘inequality’ as their pedestal on a world stage, urging the nation to further bloodshed and protest to inform the world of the economic horrors of capitalism.

Those very same “neo-liberal’ policies have delivered a stable Chile for decades, improving wages, education and exceeding almost every other outcome measure relative to other South American countries consistently for the last thirty years, including the Gini index of inequality; which is falling, yes: falling.

Yet the gullible and stupid New Zealand press fall for the agitator’s ridiculous propaganda of ‘rising’ inequality. Even the darling of progressives – the BBC – found the claim untrue, because it is simply, factually, untrue:

Chilean wages are the highest in South America and have risen 4% year-on-year for the last six years, striking poverty a blow other governments, including ours, could only dream of:

These protests are envy protests, built on lies, and 19 people have paid the price including five poor women burned to death when the garment factory they worked at was set on fire after being looted; two more died during looting of supermarkets, 41 train stations are burned-out and yet the protestors’ propagandists here in New Zealand call the looting criminals ‘pacifists’.

At least some people are happy; the Chilean Communist Party is delighted:

While another manipulated and ignorant pig-tailed propagandist thinks it’s “beautiful”

Beautiful? Tell that to the families about to bury their mothers, their sisters and their wives.

The true agenda behind these protests can be found in the mindless meanderings of ‘Frente Amplio’ (Broad Front):

“The first mission we have as Frente Amplio is to recover the sense of hope that was a hallmark of the Popular Unity government (of Salvador Allende). The people who lived during the Popular Unity in its moment of glory, what they experienced was this tremendous hope, a huge sense of agency, and the belief that change was possible,” says Rios. “Without that spirit, we will hardly be able to achieve anything.”

Salvador Allende? The hard-core Communist, you must be joking – this moment of glory? This ‘sense of hope’:

Well, he certainly proved that real change was possible: look at that fall in incomes.

It’s very clear what the numbskulls want, and are using the people of Chile for. They want weeks of unrest and infrastructure burnt to the ground under the glare of international media attention. They want Chile to become ‘New Venezuela’ because, of course, Venezuela’s experiment wasn’t ‘real’ socialism, and after APEC is done and dusted, with the transport system destroyed and the bodies buried, they’ll simply walk away caring not a whit, busily framing up their next target.

The hard-left is despicable.


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