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Want Your Boss to Monitor You 24/7?

This is how you end up in a Social Credit system. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Proponents of forcible vaccination like to couch their authoritarianism in the language of public health and “the greater good”. But so did some of the world’s worst tyrannies. “Public health” has an indelibly bossy streak which must be continually brought to heel if people want to stay free.

Of course, the “public health” bootlickers will scoff that theirs is just an emergency measure and there’s no slippery slope of “health fascism” looming.

But “emergency measures” have a deplorable habit of becoming permanent if they are not strenuously resisted.

And we are already getting a preview of where the slippery slope will careen next.

Some businesses are now deploying artificial intelligence (AI) to determine if their employees are indeed sick by remotely monitoring their vital signs on their smartphones.

This is some truly Orwellian stuff.

App users must launch the app on their mobile device and look into the camera for 45 seconds, enabling the AI to record a video of their face.

After the 45-second scan is completed, results are displayed instantaneously on the user’s account and team site, within 10 seconds to 1 minute. The findings are intended to be shared with all team members.

Like vaccine mandates, the lie is that this won’t be mandatory.

However, employees cannot be legally forced to use it, but the results can allow a firm to identify a team member with accuracy if they are truly ill. The company states that they do not retain photos or input video streams that are used to measure, in order to avoid privacy concerns.

Jake Moore, a cybersecurity specialist at ESET, told MailOnline that it may be used as “simply another tool in HR”, despite the fact that staff may refuse to evaluate whether they are unwell or not.

And be sacked. But, hey, they’re not being forced to do it.

He had this to say: “There is already software available to monitor employees’ work and screen time, but health monitoring by employers is the next level of intrusion that is potentially riddled with many false positives.

Reclaim The Net

In a key scene of Apollo 13, mission commander Jim Lovell rips off his biomed sensors, exclaiming, “I’m sick and tired of the entire Western world knowing how my kidneys are functioning!”

The scene is highly embellished, of course (in reality, Lovell took the biomed harness off for the sake of comfort), but it conveys an essential point: even the most-watched people in the world want to draw the line of privacy somewhere.

Except that, very soon, none of us will have that privilege.

But it’s for our own good, of course.

We’ll be told that it’s just a temporary measure, “because of COVID”. First, it will be government workers and “key industries”, then employers will demand it, along with mandatory vaccines.

And, somehow, this “temporary” measure will become permanent — and another chunk of our few remaining freedoms will evaporate.

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