As we all know Tracey Martin is in self-isolation and being tested after being at a meeting last week with Peter Dutton, who is confirmed as having Covid-19.
On Monday night, she was at a debate at Auckland University with several hundred people, including Jack Tame and David Seymour.
By all accounts, she was busily shaking hands and greeting with many people. There were hundreds of people in that auditorium.
She also attended parliament this week, so whoever came in contact with her in and around parliament, including every person she touched, should now be self-isolating.
I wonder if she attended cabinet on Monday as well?
Everyone who attended select committee meetings, caucus meetings, staff who picked up anything from her office, the tea lady, anyone who sat with her for coffee or lunch in the past week…all are potentially exposed to Covid-19.
Then there is this little gem of a video where she explains that she is off to meet a whole bunch of people associated with the Grievance Panel Members for Oranga Tamariki. She sounds very ill in the video. So all those people she met there are now also potentially exposed. She also went to the Department of Internal Affairs to swear in new citizens who might have got Covid-19 as a welcome to NZ citizenship present:
Potentially thousands of people are now exposed to Covid-19, from one woman.
This is getting real, very fast, for the politicians. Maybe they might start telling us the truth.