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Harry Palmer

I reckon the emergence of the contempt politicians now openly express for voters began in the 1980s, when the British and Kiwi Governments sold off the ‘family silver’ of publicly owned utilities, like power generation and railways. It seems they did it just for the sake of it, because, just as now, they had no idea of the multifarious problems they created. In NZ, after Americans bought KiwiRail and abused it the government had to buy it back. In the UK their railway will only get worse because politicians never admit their mistakes. But having sold off these assets at rock-bottom prices and with Teflon hides and lies to protect them, these ‘representatives of the people’ realised they got away with it and wondered if they could continue to abuse the people similarly in the future.

One World planning got a bit sidetracked in the 1990s with, among other things, Tony Blair and George Bush getting wars going in Iraq and stirring up trouble in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Next came the downing of the World Trade Center towers in 2001 and the financial meltdown in 2008. Then Obama became the US president in 2009 and started getting the Great Reset back on track with his declaration that he was going to change America. His shadowy backers, to show how pleased they were with their protégé so far, leaned on the Scandis (Sweden and Norway) to chuck him the Nobel Peace Prize, though no one knew what he’d done to earn it. All the while, in the background, Bill Gates (who’s apparently inherited the views once held by his father on the board of the biggest abortion provider in America, Planned Parenthood) and his World Economic Forum buddies, among others, are scheming out their moves to rid the world of the ‘useless eaters’ that offend them. Their schemes came to fruition with the Covid pandemic, with its unprecedented lockdowns and the piratical profiteering from so-called vaccines and safety equipment. This caused major schisms in society that are still present as governments attempt to keep us cowering in fear of a ‘virus’. Any (harmless to most) viruses like Covid will suit their purpose of being able to give the finger to democracy and contemptuously subjugating the ignorant peasants to their will by shutting society down again on a whim.

Simmering along in the background and coming to the boil in the wake of Covid are several other potential blow ups of massive proportions. Among them are:

  1. The global warming terror with scores of associated scams that grow in number every day. Hydrogen? Carbon dioxide? Failing and disappearing power supplies, useless electric vehicles and heat pumps, food shortages due to enforced changes to farming methods demanded by politicians, mass unemployment due to artificial intelligence and other causes: unheated and unable to be heated homes and workplaces and the stealing of your gas cooker, 15-minute cities, governments issued with a ‘carbon footprint’ license and limits on overseas travel, etc.
  2. The encouragement of our ruling elites (and their refusal to listen to their electorates’ objections) of the mass immigration of tribal third-world peoples into the advanced civilisations over which they are elected to govern. The conquest of the West and its replacement by the caliphate is almost complete, in the eyes of the Muslims at least, with Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf taking it upon himself to usurp the authority of the British Government to connive with Tayyip Erdogan, president of Turkey, over the goings-on in Gaza. What Gaza has to do with the interests of Scotland is anyone’s guess.

As the Catholic Cardinal Gerhard Müller recently warned in an interview with LifeSite News: “

“Mass immigration is not about helping people but about destroying national identity,” Müller said. “They say that national identity is nationalism, which has caused all the wars, so they say they are against nationalism, but they are really against the nation. […]

“They want everyone to be completely isolated and not connected by language, culture, family ties, or a native land where you feel at home,” Müller continued.
  1. The growing violence, rapes and stabbings and the protection afforded to the perpetrators by politicians and police who use words and phrases like racist, hate crime, extreme right wing, conspiracy theorist and disinformation against those who highlight the situation and demand action from those same ‘authorities’ and risk imprisonment for doing so.
  2. Inflation and governments throwing increasing amounts of money at their favorite, usually useless, projects and into the pockets of their favorite lobbyists, driving their countries more and more into debt and towards economic collapse. Then there is the digital money that a number of state banking institutions are looking at introducing, which will give them unprecedented access to the personal lives and finances of the citizenry and the ability to punish or reward them in accordance with a Chinese-style ‘social credit system’.
  3. Wars and rumors of wars are always with us nowadays. It surely has not been the case in most of my previous almost 80 years. Will China invade Taiwan? Venezuela Guyana for its oil? Will USA-‘owned’ NATO, once its Ukrainian proxy is defeated, invade Russia? Will Javier Milei, who has recently reiterated his country’s claim on the Falkland Islands, decide to have another go at the British 40 years after Argentina’s armed forces last tried to get them back?
  4. The constant sex, sex, sex…whether it’s to facilitate women to get rid of its unwanted product by abortion (right up to and beyond birth in some jurisdictions) or pornography being readily available in all its manifestations (even in the MSM) or the exposing of school children by their teachers (often without the knowledge of their parents) to the exhortations of homosexuals, transvestites and others and pride parades that are now customary in cities throughout the Western world.
  5. The ‘bread and circus’ distraction techniques used by the media: every move the members of ‘our beloved’ royal family make, the latest updates of the TV programmes like I’m a Celebrity…etc, the relentless pursuit of stories about ‘vicious’ dog maulings, as though it’s a brand new phenomenon, and about UFOs and the Loch Ness monster etc.
  6. The targeting of the family for destruction by creating economic circumstances that require both parents to have jobs to feed themselves and pay the rent with little left over. And, as has been recently announced in the UK, mortgage interest rates being so high that those who are now less than say 30 years of age cannot expect to ever own a home. Then there’s the state’s subversive stealing of children from their parents by means of the aforementioned ‘sex education’, including threatening parents who object to their child changing sex with removal of said child. That the welfare system appears to show favour to single motherhood can also be a problem, as it deprives children of their right to have two loving parents to learn from: history shows this lack can cause juvenile delinquency among young males. Not just simple ‘delinquency’, either, but rape and murder, drug dealing and gun crimes – the crimes that were once relatively rare and only perpetrated by hardened adult criminals.
  7. The constant agitating by socialist/communist politicians in order to split communities in order to set these groups against each other for political advantage: Pakeha v Maori, protesters v Christians and pro-life v pro-abortion, etc.
  8. Next year promises to be a major turning point in the history of the West and the World Economic Forum is predicting the emergence of an unspecified catastrophic event. Whether this is connected with the American presidential election in November is not mentioned. Joe Biden’s handlers are pulling pull out all the stops, legal and illegal, to prevent Donald Trump returning in the 2024 election. Hence the billionaire-sponsored district attorneys across the Democrat Party states throwing everything at Trump to get him behind bars and out of contention – they hope – in the run for the presidency. And fears have been expressed of a possible assassination attempt if all else fails, because Trump will, figuratively speaking, invoke the mass slaughter of those who cheated – including in the FBI and CIA – to have him replaced by Biden in 2017 and have ruthlessly pursued and persecuted him since. It seems more than likely that if Biden is once again returned to office by cheating at the polls, or if Trump is cheated out of running, such a result will not be taken lying down by a large proportion of the US population. So one way or another, it looks like 2024 is going to be a turbulent year for America and especially if the WEF wants to add to it.
  9. Other, perhaps slightly less likely to cause havoc items for consideration include the subjugation of medical doctors to the will of administrators: those sycophantic tattle-tales who enforce the will of psychopathic politicians on the medicos and thus on the public. The NHS in the UK where health care is supposedly free of charge at the point of delivery – if you can actually get an appointment with a doctor that is – and is so useful to the ruling elite that they won’t make the improvements so desperately required. The BBC is useful in a similar way for broadcasting propaganda, including claiming, like Jacinda Ardern, to be the one source of TRUTH. But as well as having a similar health system here in NZ, our Government also has its finger in the field of private medical treatments through ACC, which must be big business for private hospitals. So going back to my earlier statement regarding a social credit scheme, once you’re ‘old’, or marked by the government, and sick, you might as well go away and die: a situation I feel is already being worked on with euthanasia laws. Just check out the incidents that have been reported in Canada. And, needless to say, what was once called ‘science’ has been trashed by politicians and their so called ‘experts’.
  10. Another, less important matter, but one which signals the contempt politicians have for the people, is the throwing of awards like medals, knighthoods, damehoods and lordships at those who do their bidding. For example, Lord Cruddas, a Tory donor, was awarded a peerage after Boris Johnson overruled the House of Lords Appointments Committee’s recommendation. He then signaled his gratitude by handing 500,000 pound sterling to the party (Private Eye Magazine, June 2023, p 13). As for Jacinda Ardern being made a dame after her failed prime ministership…words fail me.

This depressing record of developments that started in the ’80s grew slowly during the first decade of the present century then sped up considerably during the second to culminate with the Covid lockdowns. All of the above seem to indicate however, that much more and potentially far more destructive plans are in the pipeline.

Todd Beamer’s United Airlines flight 93 took off from New Jersey at 8 am on 11 September 2001 carrying 38 passengers and bound for San Francisco on the other side of the United States. As you will have guessed, he never reached his destination. One hour into the four-hour flight, Muslim terrorists Ziad Jarrah, Saeed al Ghamdi, Ahmed al Haznawi and Ahmed al Nami, armed with box cutters and a presumed bomb, took control of the aircraft by force with the intention of crashing it into either the White House or Air Force One.

After being herded to the back end of the plane, a group of the passengers sought a way of thwarting the plans of the hijackers after learning of the Twin Towers attacks. Phone operator Lisa Jefferson heard Todd Beamer say, “Are you guys ready? Let’s roll.” The rest is history and they indeed managed to thwart the terrorists’ plans, with the Boeing 757 crashing at 450 miles per hour into a field south of Pittsburgh.

I believe there are parallels between the actions of those terrorists on Flight 93 and the actions of our politicians and their puppet masters. The list of wrong doings – both those we’ve suffered and those projected to happen – indicates the behind-the-scenes presence of controlling minds.

Rescues from the clutches of ‘the globalists’, notably by Sarah Palin of the Tea Party Movement in America and Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party, have been attempted in the past decade. Unfortunately they have been defeated with the tentacles of the ‘Deep State’ reaching far into the secret recesses of the machinery of state, the mainstream media and banking and commerce. And the Deep State continues to beaver away at undermining and rendering meaningless the decision of the British people to leave the European community in 2016. So, how long do you give it before Christopher Luxon (who is apparently currently working in collegial fashion with his coalition partners) capitulates to the wishes of the globalists that, I am sure, are even now whispering in his ear? Or for that matter the ears of right of centre Geert Wilders in Holland and Javier Milei in Argentina, who have perhaps temporarily upset the apple cart in their respective countries, contrary to the schemes of the puppet masters in the UN, WHO, and the WEF billionaires.

Where is our ‘Todd Beamer’, or even God, to finally put an end to our ongoing torture and eliminate our oppressors before we, too, crash and burn?
