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We Don’t Trust Them Anymore

Image credit The BFD


This week, Chris Bishop asked in an email, “What do you think is Labour’s biggest failure in the last five years?”

Trust destroyed is very hard to win back, if not impossible.  Too often we were lied to by Ardern, Hipkins, Robertson, and many others. In fact, every member of parliament – government and opposition, and Bloomfield the Director of Health – told lies.  So did the mainstream media.

Any confidence and trust we had in Labour politicians have gone because lies destroy trust.

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Working in a “caring” profession for most of my life, I have walked alongside many people struggling in relationships, or going through a marriage breakup.

One person who had finally made the decision to separate and divorce said to me, “I just can’t take the lies any longer. I can’t trust him anymore.”  A lack of truth and openness destroys so many relationships. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone say about gambling, secret spending, addictions, sexual problems, an affair etc, “But I could never tell my wife” (or “my husband”), so the lie lives on, festering.

In the Bible, Jesus says the truth will set you free.  The opposite is also true. Lies enslave and destroy.

Forgiveness and reconciliation are nearly always possible but when someone realises they have been lied to again and again, the basis of trust (which is truth) is destroyed and the environment in which love thrives has been eliminated. It’s near impossible to stay in a committed relationship when all trust has gone.

If lies destroy marriages and relationships – which they so often do – what do they do to communities and countries? What happens when people find out they have been lied to repeatedly by their politicians, their health professionals and their science and medical so-called experts?

Kiwis no longer trust them! The confidence they once had is at least damaged, if not destroyed.

Here are just a few of the lies that have undermined that faith and confidence in the last few years.

“These vaccines are safe and effective.”

We heard this mantra ad nauseam. Jacinda Ardern even added, “and tested”.

“Will you have sanctions against people who don’t take up the vaccine?” [ Duncan Garner]

“No, we haven’t done that.” [ Jacinda Ardern]

22 September 2020. TV3.
“Vaccinated people do not get sick, do not spread the virus.”  

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky 20 March 2021.
“When people are vaccinated, they can feel safe, they will not be infected.”  

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci 17 May 2021.
“You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.”

Joe Biden 21 July 2021

Ardern echoed many of these lies from her ‘pulpit of truth’.

If they were honest they might admit that at that stage they didn’t know about adverse reactions: that it wouldn’t stop transmission, that it wouldn’t prevent hospitalisations and deaths, etc.

So if they didn’t know (and how could they, it was a rushed and largely untested vaccine which has never been fully approved) why on earth was it pushed mercilessly onto the population?

Why did they not allow exemptions even when someone had a serious reaction to the first or second vaccine?

Exemption. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. the BFD.

Why were people forced to have it under threat of losing their jobs because of the mandates? Why was our society divided into two classes of people, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed?

Image credit The BFD.
What makes it even worse is that the lies are still being told even though research, science and large numbers of doctors and specialists have discovered the truth.

Dr Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist, for example, an early supporter of the vaccine, is now adamant that the whole programme must be stopped immediately while further research is carried out.

What is the Labour Government’s biggest failure?  We all know they have failed at everything they promised. But I believe not telling us the truth is their biggest failure.

Momentous achievements. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.


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