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We Might Not Love You Anymore but the Aussies Do

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Jacinda Ardern looking out car window

The latest Roy Morgan poll is out and there is more bad news for the tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, and her useless regime. The public has seriously fallen out of love with her and her tyrannical ways.

Today’s Roy Morgan New Zealand Poll shows support for the two major parties unchanged in March with National on 38% still 6% points ahead of Labour on 32%. This is the equal highest level of support for National for over two years since January 2020.

Support for a potential National/ Act NZ coalition government is now at 47%, down 2.5% points on a month ago, after Act NZ continued to lose support, but still clearly ahead of the current Labour/ Greens government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on 42.5% (down 0.5% points).

Although support for National was unchanged in February, fellow right-leaning party Act NZ lost support for the third straight month and was down 2.5% points to 9% to be at its lowest for nearly a year since May 2021. Since Luxon took over the leadership of National support for Act NZ has now dropped by 8.5% points while support for National is up 11.5% points. Support for the Maori Party was unchanged at 2%.

In contrast, support for New Zealand’s Labour/Greens ‘coalition’ government was down 0.5% points to 42.5% in February – the sixth straight month of declines for the government. Although support for Labour was unchanged at only 32%, support for the Greens dropped 0.5% points to 10.5%.

A growing minority of 8.5% of electors (up 3% points) support other minor parties outside Parliament with support for New Zealand First up 2% points to 4% – now at its highest for over two years since February 2020, The Opportunities Party up 0.5% points to 1.5% and support for the New Conservative Party down 0.5% points to 0.5% in March.

This latest New Zealand Roy Morgan Poll on voting intention was conducted by telephone – both landline and mobile – with a New Zealand-wide cross-section of 944 electors during March. Electors were asked: “If a New Zealand Election were held today which party would receive your party vote?” Of all electors surveyed 6.5%, up 1.5% points, did not name a party.

Roy Morgan
Roy Morgan Poll

This is what happens when you treat people like children, lock them up for months on end; when your divisive policies turn mate against mate, and family against each other, create two tiers of citizens, introduce apartheid into national level and local body politics and make ludicrous and destructive ‘reforms’ while causing a massive cost of living crisis by fuelling inflation like no government before.

And when you send in the Police to beat down protesters; people really don’t like that.

Labour are reaping what they sow – and it’s a whirlwind.

Just as well for the tyrant though…she can run off to Australia where their population absolutely adore her:

Australians rate New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern as the most believable politician, a new poll shows.

Ogilvy PR’s Believability Index, which surveyed 1000 eligible Australian voters in February, shows the Kiwi politician is still their favourite with a whopping 44 percent of participants feeling strong positive sentiment toward her. Ardern is significantly ahead of Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition leader Anthony Albanese with just 20 percent of voters having strong positive sentiment toward them.

Only 10 percent of voters expressed strong negative feelings towards Ardern, compared with 34 percent for Morrison and 19 percent for Albanese.


This “poll” was compiled by a “marketing scientist”. Australians know almost nothing about our tyrant. Literally nothing. They’re told by the media that she’s wonderful, so they believe it. And that’s the most they know about NZ politics, sorry to say.

If they want her, I’m sure that if I crowd-funded her airfares and moving costs I’d have the funds raised to move her entire family in about the time it takes a fat lass to pounce on a cream cake.

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