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Dr. Anthony Fauci. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

The list of things that we “conspiracy theorists”, “deniers” and “dangerous misinformation” peddlers were right about the Covid pandemic grows by the day. Today’s dose of “We were right and they were wrong (or lied) about”?

Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Like many in the independent media, The BFD has repeatedly raised questions and red flags about America’s (and thus, by extension, the Western world’s) “Covid czar”. Was he covering up Covid’s origins? Why? Was he tied with dangerous research in China which likely created Covid in a Wuhan lab? What are his ties to the Chinese regime?

Dangerous misinformation! Deniers! Fauci is science — criticising Fauci is a direct attack on science itself (his own words). You name it, the legacy media and political class flung hysterical denunciations at us.

According to a senior scientist right in the thick of it, though: we were right about it all.
The former head of the US Centre for Disease Control has told Congress the US government likely helped fund the development of Sars-Cov2, which he believed leaked from a Chinese lab in late 2019, ultimately killing more than 6 million people globally.

At the explosive, first hearing of the new Congressional committee charged with investigating the origin of Covid-19, Dr Robert Redfield, CDC director from 2018 to 2021, said he had believed since January 2020 that Sars-Cov2 likely leaked from the Wuhan virology lab owing to its extreme infectiousness in humans.

That’s not the only bombshell — and vindication of we truth-tellers — that Redfield dropped. Fauci’s network of US agencies funded the gain of function research that created Covid? You betcha.

“Not only from the NIH but from the State Department, US AID and from DOD,” he added, referring to the National Institute of Health, the United States Agency for International Development and the US Department of Defence.

Until he suddenly resigned last year, Fauci headed The National Institutes of Health for nearly forty years. It’s long been alleged that Fauci funnelled money to China, by fair means and foul, to fund gain of function research banned in America.

Redfield, who was CDC director in the critical years leading up to and the beginning of the Covid pandemic, suspects that it was that research which created the virus.

“As a clinical virologist I felt it was not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses we have for humans,” Dr Redfield told the committee.

His testimony came a week after revelations the FBI and the US Department of Energy had assessed the lab leak theory – once dubbed a ‘conspiracy theory’ – to be the most likely explanation for the origin of the pandemic.

“You look at those two departments, the FBI and the Energy Department have the strongest scientific footprint of any of our intelligence agencies,” Dr Redfield said, when asked his view of their assessments.

Like burglars frantically rubbing down fingerprints, it’s alleged that Fauci and his accomplices quickly set out to obscure the facts of Covid’s origins. First order of business? Get rid of anyone asking dangerous questions.

Dr Redfield, who was appointed by the Trump administration to the coronavirus task-force in January 2020, said he had been side-lined early on by Dr Fauci and NIH head Dr Francis Collins, who, Dr Redfield said, wanted to “create a narrative” the virus emerged naturally.

As emails tendered to the committee show, Redfield was far from the only top scientist who suspected that the virus “looked engineered”. If the narrative-makers couldn’t get them sacked, they could certainly buy them off.

One of the witnesses, Nicholas Wade, both former editor of Nature and senior New York Times science writer, said the media had been “used” to establish the natural origin theory.

He also pointed out the scientists who seemingly changed their mind over the course of a few days later received a US$9 million grant from Dr Fauci’s NIAID in May 2020.

Fauci is not, as his ego claims, “science” — but he is The Science™.

Unlike science, which thrives on debate and dissent and, however slowly, grinds down lies to get to the truth, The Science™ quashes debate and lies through its teeth. The Science™ is never about finding the truth, it’s about lying for power.

As BFD readers will know only too well. After all, New Zealand has produced at least one great scientist, Ernest Rutherford; but it’s also produced a rogues’ gallery of liars and troughers peddling The Science™.

Fauci is being exposed: will they, ever?
