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‘Welcome to the Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts’

Protestors opposed to Covid-19 vaccine mandates and vaccine passports by the government rally at City Hall in New York City on August 25, 2021. (Photo by Angela WEISS / AFP) (Photo by ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images)


Julie Booras, Health Rights MA, Co-Founder

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This is one of several short speeches for the event sponsored by Health Rights Massachusetts, May 18, 2023 at the Massachusetts State House.


JULIE BOORAS: So I’d like to welcome you all today to The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts event. You’ve all been through a lot, we’ve all honestly been through a lot, and I’m sure the path that brought you here today was not easy. But we’re all coming together here today in our beautiful state capitol, the people’s house, to share our stories, stories of lives lost and shattered because of three little words. Public health emergency.

Health is hugely important to our daily lives. There is a well-known saying, when you don’t have your health, nothing else matters. And public health departments can and do play an important role in protecting public health with laws that protect us. You know, I’m happy that there are, there are laws for restaurants so you don’t get poisoned when you go out to eat, you know? Or, you know, disasters. But when lockdowns happened in the spring of 2020, the first question a great many people had was, can they do this? How, how can they do this?

Well, over the last many years, many, many years, state legislatures across the country expanded the governors’ powers formerly reserved for things like natural disasters and armed conflict and gave them, I’m going to say this word a couple times today, broad powers to their governors during a public health emergency. No limitations, no restrictions, no expiration dates. So what we saw was two weeks to flatten the curve has now turned into three years.

I’m fairly certain that the lawmakers that passed those laws expanding powers to broadly include public health didn’t realize the ramifications of how those powers, so broadly given, could be abused in the future. And they were abused badly. Lockdowns, stay home, stand six feet apart, masks over our breathing holes, can’t go to the gym or church or school. You can’t go to neighbouring states. Small businesses were devastated while big businesses remained open.

And finally, to save us all, you must inject a liability-free experimental one-size-fits-all pharmaceutical product. And if you do, you will be rewarded with gift cards and free hamburgers and beer and access. And if you don’t, you will lose your job, possibly your career, your pension, your access to an education. You will be shut out from attending sporting events or theatre. No access to restaurants. You can’t go to your cousin’s wedding.

There is an ever-growing lack of trust in public health, starting at the top with the WHO and the CDC and the FDA, and working its way down.

And just to give you one example, the FDA asked the courts to hide the Pfizer COVID-19 clinical trial documents from the public for 75 years.* You got to kind of— what are they hiding? Why are they hiding information from us about these clinical trials? So we must ask ourselves why.

If you attended our legislative briefing in the House Members Lounge with Dr. Madhava Setty** on Tuesday, you would have learned that, according to Pfizer’s own documents, for every one person possibly saved from ending up in the hospital with severe COVID, 15 people had a severe adverse event, and those, that includes death.

I looked up the VAERS*** reports today. 1,556,000 reports in the world and 9,595, wait, 959,000 reports in the US of adverse events.

But there was one state, in the state of Minnesota, where health freedom advocates recognized the dangers of the broadness of this language. In Minnesota the governor’s powers were amended to add, individuals have a fundamental right to refuse medical treatment, testing, physical or mental examination, vaccination, participation in experimental procedures, and protocols, collection of specimens and preventative treatment programs.

Since the lockdowns started in 2020, you probably don’t know this, you won’t hear it on the news, 49 states have filed over 900 right-to-refuse bills aimed at protecting bodily autonomy and stopping both the covid shots and medical mandates.

79 of those bills have passed into law in 29 states across the nation. More than half of the states in this country have passed right to refuse bills in less than three years.

So I just want you to know, you’re not alone. You might be alone in Massachusetts.

We must make sure it does not happen again. We must not continue down this road to medical authoritarianism where elected officials put laws in place that give them the right to tell us what we must do with our bodies or else we can’t live, work or go to school in the state of Massachusetts. They don’t. That is a basic, fundamental, God-given right protected by the Constitution.

The Nuremberg Code states, the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. Have we learned nothing from our past mistakes?

In a few minutes, you will hear the stories of those who have been injured or harmed by the covid 19 vaccine and its mandates. So many lives have been devastated. These stories are heavily censored. You won’t hear them on mainstream media because, well, they get 75% of their ad revenue from pharmaceutical companies, and they’re not allowed to talk about it.****

So we are here to give them a voice, and the first step is awareness and the next step is action. I know we can have good, strong public health policies without infringing on civil liberties and a person’s right to choose their own healing path. We ask you to support legislation that protects the rights of the people of Massachusetts to make their own health decisions without coercion or discrimination.

I’m going to end with this quote from my own personal health freedom hero, attorney Diane Miller. She said, We are a nation of laws, and I believe that we have to be involved in the lawmaking process or we have to live with the laws that we pass. We have to be there when they’re drafting laws because that’s what’s shaping our reality.

Looking back, we can see how very true those words are. If we the people don’t help write the laws, someone else will do it for us. So the time is now to step up and use the legislative process to pass laws that protect health freedom rights.

So with that I want to just let everyone about the book that we published, and then I’m going to introduce the president of Health Rights Mass to say a few things and talk about the bill, and then we’ll hear the stories from everyone came today.

We published this book, and it’s called The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachussetts, we have one for every legislative office, and if you are in the book, we have a copy for you as well. Our goal is to deliver this to every single office so they can read these stories. We collected 180 stories, we published about 80 in this book, and this is just volume one, unfortunately.

So I’m going to introduce Hannah [King], speaking of the future of health freedom, Hannah is the youngest board member of Health Rights Mass, she’s also the president. And who better to steward us into the future of health freedom than the next generation? So, I’m going to give it to Hannah. Thank you.


Julie Booras is a co-founder of Health Rights Massachusetts.

* Booras refers to the Pfizer documents. For the story of how a US court ordered their release under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, and to see the documents for yourself, visit:
Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021
On p. 7, table 1, you will see the report of 1,223 deaths.
On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.

** Dr. Madhava Setty is a board certified anesthesiologist. His blog is “An Insult to Intuition: Critiquing Media and Scientific Orthodoxy”

*** VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. . Note: For a reader-friendly presentation of the data for covid vaccinations, see .

**** See also the “Media Partners” list of US media that took money from the US government for “We Can Do This” the COVID-19 Public Education Campaign, “An initiative to increase confidence in COVID-19 vaccines and reinforce basic prevention measures.”
