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woman holding man and toddler hands during daytime
Photo by Jessica Rockowitz. The BFD.

Harry Palmer

I recently came across a story that started me thinking about manhood and the way it appears to have changed over the past half century or so. The story included a video of a fully dressed man unhesitatingly dropping from a riverside wharf into a fast-flowing river in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, China, on 11 September 2023.

It seems that a little girl of six or seven with her school backpack was spotted drifting face down in the middle of the wide stream and the brave male didn’t seem to give much thought before jumping in. The incident was filmed by bystanders and the wee girl was seen standing safe and sound on dry land at the end of the short video.

New Yorkers’ comments under the story were all complimentary. One read, “Nice to see a real man once in a while”; another, by “Missouri Nana”, said, “I see a hero, the hard left sees toxic masculinity.”

It’s this accusation of ‘toxic masculinity’ that gets me. It’s thrown around unsparingly at men who do what men have traditionally always done and who decline to obsequiously throw themselves at the feet of a certain kind of woman or conform to her expectations of complete submission. Of course any man – or woman – can have unsavoury habits, and even murderous traits, but if a woman or her weak male fellow schemer condemn what, to a degree, are the natural products of male DNA, this demands serious bite back.

From time immemorial it has been the first duty of real men – not cowardly wife beaters, self-pitying drunks, junkies, the work shy, headworkers and shysters – to provide for and protect his wife and children and any extended family. This requirement, which was passed down every generation and imprinted on our masculine hearts, has been surreptitiously and subtly undermined since at least the 1960s, when homosexuality and abortion went mainstream.

Life is a gift from God, as I and many others believe. Whether you do or not is of little concern to me and I don’t propose to lecture you or try to convert you to my way of thinking. I am merely expressing my opinion.

No matter what Jesuit Catholic priests and the Pope himself say about homosexuality, I don’t believe statements like ‘we’re born like that’. To claim as much is an attempt at plausible deniability and a play for sympathy by the so-afflicted. I suspect it’s likely that youths exposed to homosexual behaviors in their early and formative years are vulnerable to taking it up themselves and for it to become a habit, like the taking of illicit drugs: the security of feeling that you’re among friends.

Abortion is the taking of a life that would otherwise be expected to last 70 or 80 years and likely marry and have children. Having said that, I accept that every human being is an individual and responsible only to themselves for what they do, as long as it’s within the law. But how terribly sad I feel for those deprived of the ability to live their lives in love.

‘Love’, like ‘wisdom’, was venerated from ancient times. Before, in fact, Isaac, the son of Abraham, “married Rebecca and took her into his tent and he loved her”. To love someone in ancient times did not mean ‘getting his rocks off’: that, in the Bible, is covered by the phrase “he went into her”, and hence the difference between ‘love’ and ‘sexual activity’. That difference vanished, I suspect, 50 or 60 years ago and coincided with new laws legalising homosexuality and abortion. Both the original meanings of love and wisdom in their original forms as promoted in the Bible seem extinct. I think it’s love that’s missing in abortion. Lack of love by all concerned, from the mother and father through to the medical people involved, unless the abortion is proposed to save the life of the mother.

Though abortion within a limited timeframe was first made legal, as I understand it, for the circumstance I mention above, the law has been further relaxed over time and many countries now allow the abortion of a live, fully formed human being at birth, and even infanticide. With fundamental rules of law and morals so undermined, who of the medical staff in an abortion mill is going to call the police if someone deliberately kills a baby a day or so after its birth? Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath?

Christopher Luxon, presumed to become the Prime Minister of New Zealand after the forthcoming election, intends to continue to bribe doctors with $10 per jab of Covid ‘vaccine’ in order to bring the total vaccinated to 95 per cent. If you haven’t realised by now that it’s wrong, even sinister, to inject a whole population with an unnatural and untested substance, in order to combat a minor complaint that has a similar – unvaccinated – survival rate to that of the ’flu, then, sorry, you’re in Neverland with Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.

And I have little doubt, too, that the reason euthanasia is now within the law in many ‘progressive’ countries is because of the psychological ‘nudging’ of its acceptance in the minds of their populations, not only by globalist politicians and their ‘experts’, but by having them subconsciously accept that if abortion is OK, then euthanasia must be too. How long before hospices start offering euthanasia? ‘You know it’s the right thing to do to relieve the grieving of your poor relatives and because it helps our strained health service to help others.’ And how long, too, before capital punishment is back on the menu? Not for the elites of course you understand – just the peasantry.

So not only is abortion, in my humble opinion, wrong, but it also cultivates a cheapening of human life – the numbers of stabbings and murders, violent muggings, wife beating, for example, are rocketing up, while politicians put their hands up in phony dismay but do nothing.

Homosexuals are welcome to their clubs. But again, with politicians and their media co-conspirators pushing their ‘divide and conquer’, the homosexual lobby has a far higher profile than its total numbers would appear to warrant, as do many so-called protest groups that collectively form only a very small percentage of the population but to whom the politicians feel the need to genuflect.

Homosexual law reform, like that of abortion, had a modest beginning. It was still an illegal practice for the UK peasantry until the middle of the last century, though a number of upper-class males were known to indulge themselves, including members of the British Parliament and House of Lords. After making the practice legal, most of the countries of the apparently enlightened West have gradually loosened restrictions and the once-underground clubs frequented by homosexuals are now everywhere.

But like with abortion, the horrors associated with homosexuality have become even more notorious over time. And the obtaining of sexual gratification by other means, like sadism and masochism, have appeared and grown as well, not to mention an explosion in gay parades, gay weeks and gay months, voyeurism, pornography and the trafficking of woman and children, all of which I suspect were released by that initial legalising of homosexual behaviors. Then, in very recent times, transvestitism exploded onto the scene. Maybe some would claim the arrival of all these things in the past half century or so are merely coincidental?

Since the turn of the last century, homosexuality and the sex industry have evolved rapidly and prostitution made legal, as well. Homosexual marriage was introduced in NZ in 2013 – after Civil Unions in 2005 – but, not being satisfied with the state granting them the ability to obtain a marriage licence and other benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples, they continue to press for more. And, so, as an example, we have the case of Jack Phillips, of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado, who refused to bake a special cake for a homosexual couple, because, as a Christian, he thought providing such a service was wrong. This case is still being dragged through the courts over 10 years later: the process is the punishment.

There is of course an underbelly – forgive the pun – of homosexual activists forever pushing their cause and some would say, in conjunction with the late to the party transvestites, seeking ever increasing numbers of recruits to their way of life. Transvestites are highly visible at present ‘entertaining’ children and there can be little doubt that their efforts are being rewarded, much to the detriment of a country’s future mental health.

Then you have the behind-the-scenes funders of homosexual activism and societal manipulation, many of them billionaires who prefer to wreck the social systems of countries by seeding a few million dollars here and there to the likes of Just Stop Oil campaigners and gleefully watch the results unfold. They’re following the pattern laid down by George Soros, who throws money at elections for favoured district attorneys in the US who let criminals go free to continue to create chaos in their communities. The same George Soros funds the likes of Black Lives Matter and those who want to ‘defund the police’.

To the lay person, all of the above are fairly easily observable results of the dismissal of laws that made abortion and homosexuality illegal up until around the middle of last century, but there are other, far more subtle, results beginning to appear.

Some say the mRNA ‘vaccine’, manufactured by the likes of Pfizer and Moderna, are intended to cull populations – to make life on Earth more sustainable as Bill Gates and his friends would like – over a period of many years in order to disguise their lethality. I would suggest that a similar process is already underway, as men – white, working-class men – are discovering that society, to which they once made the main contribution and fought wars for, no longer has any use for them.

In addition, women feel ever more free after the advent of the ‘pill’ followed by the making of abortion freely available, all complemented by ‘affirmative action’ to promote women regardless of merit into jobs traditionally held by men. Is it any surprise that male testosterone levels have fallen by about one third over the past couple of decades?

And if you consider the behaviours of female company chief executives, despite the propaganda early on that they would bring a kinder and more sympathetic environment, they have proven to be just – if not more so in some cases – as ruthless as men. Consider the case of Paula Vennells, for example, who also had a side job as an ordained Anglican Priest.

And most Western countries have given up on real men’s work, like building ships, mining coal, drilling for oil and heavy engineering, which real men could take pride in doing. These sorts of jobs have been exported overseas, with only service jobs like high finance for the well off and the flipping of burgers for the less fortunate remaining. (I exaggerate, but you get my meaning.)

In conclusion, I suspect those strands of human DNA that express masculinity began to be artificially suppressed in the middle of the last century, and, with it, the progress of Darwinian evolution. So perhaps claims to have been ‘born like this’ by transvestites and the homosexually inclined might have a wee bit of substance in them, after all. What is certain, however, is that the placing of any faith in the weak-as-water Hipkins and his parliamentary playmate Luxon – or any of them in their parliament playpen for that matter – restoring a gradually deteriorating situation would be misplaced, as a dramatic intervention by real men is obviously demanded. Tattooed chin ‘warrior women’ need not apply.

In the meantime, you surely won’t be tempted to do anything yourself, will you, except pull out your cell phone to film when a wee seven-year-old girl loaded down with a swag of books falls into a river and is drowning. After all, it’s going to be your claim to huge fame on TikTok.
