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What Are the Groomers Doing Today?

Creepy Queer Theorists are using television to slither into your living-room and groom your children. The BFD.

Time and again we are finger-wagged that “Groomer” is an “anti-LGBT slur”. Why on earth would that be? Why would anyone hear a charge of sexually-grooming children into pedophile activities and immediately thinking “LGBT”?

I mean, it’s not as if “LGBT” groups are hunting-grounds for predatory groomers, is it…?

Two men who had previously accessed services at LGBT Youth Scotland as minors have come forward to speak to Reduxx about what they describe as a nightmarish involvement with the charity – one they allege involved child grooming and sexual exploitation. Sam Cowie and Daniel Nechtan, two abuse survivors, are demanding an inquiry into the organization and asking why no investigation was launched after the CEO was imprisoned for raping a baby.

You read that right: a baby. James Rennie’s rape victim was just three months old.

The organisation Rennie headed, “LGBT Youth Scotland” used to be known by a far more recognisable name: Stonewall Youth Project. Yes, that Stonewall. The same organisation that calls you a “homophobe” and “transphobe” was run in Scotland by a literal baby-rapist.

What’s even worse is that he was very, very far from the only pedophile lurking in Stonewall’s ranks.

In 2009, Rennie was found guilty and given “lifelong restriction” orders after it was discovered he was operating what was described as Scotland’s “largest pedophile network.”

Rennie and a man named Neil Strachan were considered the ringleaders of the network, which involved at least eight other men who collectively held over 125,000 pieces of child sexual abuse materials. The ring was broken up in 2007 after a lengthy operation by Lothian and Borders police.

Other men arrested include John Murphy, a former journalist with The Gay Times; Neil Campbell, an after-school program instructor who was married with children but led a double life with a male lover; and Craig Boath, who had just applied to become a special constable with police. Neil Strachan’s much younger boyfriend, Colin Slaven, was also amongst those arrested. Slaven had been a minor when Strachan began a “relationship” with him.

As well as distributing child sexual abuse material, Rennie also sexually abused his godson over a four-year period starting when the child was just 3 months old. During court proceedings it was also uncovered that Rennie had used the e-mail handle “kplover,” standing for “kiddie porn lover,” to communicate with a sick predator in the Netherlands who described how he would like to rape, torture, and murder a child. The trial was labeled the “worst ever” abuse case in Scotland by media.

Yet Rennie’s 13 year sentence was reduced to just 8 1/2 years on appeal.

Rennie had been a strong proponent for gay adoption, and, under his leadership, LGBT Youth Scotland lobbied the Government to allow same-sex couples to adopt children. In 2005, LGBT Youth Scotland received a Phillip Lawrence Award for community safety, and Rennie was welcomed in parliament.

Anyone who tried to bell the pedophile cat was eaten up and spat up by the political establishment.

Lynch’s accusations were described as “deeply homophobic and untrue” by the Scottish National Party (SNP)


Remember, too, that the political left and the media said the same of the man pretending to be a woman, who exposed himself to children at an LA women’s-only spa. That person has just been arrested for what was just the latest in a string of sex offences.

I wish I could tell you that that is the only case of “rainbow” paedophiles to report, today.

I wish.

A “non-binary queer” artist has been arrested after attempting to meet a 9-year-old child for sex. Efrem Zelony-Mindell, 35, was arrested in Manhattan, New York on December 16.


In a superb catfishing operation, the undercover agent pretended to be a fellow paedophile on a gay hook-up app. At every stage, though, it was Zelony-Mindell who led the way, first asking the agent if he was “into taboo”, then sending the agent child abuse material. When the agent pretended to be able to arrange a pedo hook-up, Zelony-Mindell jumped at the chance.

Okay, I sympathise with your ardent desire to reach for the mind-bleach, now. But we’re far from done.

A professional League of Legends player in Brazil has stepped down from his esports association following allegations he was sexually predatory towards a minor.

On December 14, Alessandro Ribeiro announced he was resigning from Brazilian esports organization paiN Gaming Female. Ribeiro, better known by his gaming handle “Flower Gardens,” had been awarded the “MVP female gamer” by League of Legends Sports Brazil earlier this month.

Ribeiro’s resignation was tendered following the leak of Discord chat logs showing that he had been sending intimate messages to a 14-year-old.

Screenshots of the conversations between Ribeiro, 21, and the victim were posted to Twitter in which he is seen telling the child he could “use” her “all night,” and that he would tie her up and “play” with her “little body, part by part.”

For all that Ribeiro claimed to “identify as a woman”, he demanded to be addressed as “daddy”.

As always, the groomers play the “phobia” card when they’re caught out.

Ribeiro said the screenshots of his conversations with the minor were shared without “consent” and in “bad faith” as an attempt to “support a stereotype that often links pedophilia to the trans community.” He also complained about people questioning his gender identity.


Because of course he did.

All of this begs the question: why are there so many paedophiles in the LGBT movement?

For the same reason there are so many in teaching, churches, and youth groups like the Scouts: predators go where the prey is.
