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What Are They Hiding Now?

Will the truth about Southport ever come out?

The face of evil. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Another day, another UK cover-up of horrific crimes committed by a ‘diverse individual’.

This time, it’s Axel Rudakubana, the 100 per cent Welsh (just ask the media and police) child of African asylum seekers, who went on a stabbing rampage at a dance class filled with little girls. The covering-up began almost as soon as the first 999 call was made, and continues to this day. Like the mass pack rape of little British girls by Pakistani Muslims, the cover-ups were and are being perpetrated at every level, from police, to media, to the very top of the UK government.

The media repeatedly used an old photo of a young, smiling boy from years before, rather than the dead-eyed, evil-looking, young man who perpetrated the crimes. The police and politicians covered up damning evidence they had in their hands within hours of the murders.

And the covering up will almost certainly continue well into the future, given that there will be no trial, after Rudakubana suddenly pleaded guilty.

He pleaded guilty to three counts of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder, as well as producing Ricin, which is a deadly poison, and possession of al-Qaeda training materials.

Now, whilst he didn’t say anything to begin with, and therefore a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf. Which is what happens when you don’t respond to a request for a plea. It’s reported by Thompson Reuters that on further advice from his lawyer at the time, he changed his pleas to guilty.

So instead of the trial commencing as everyone had expected, and despite the media warnings not to report or comment on the trial so as to not to derail the trial in any way, this trial will now not go ahead and instead he’s going to be sentenced.

Which begs the question of why he was advised to change his plea to guilty. Given the disgusting pall of secrecy thrown over this abhorrent crime, it seems not unreasonable to ask whether the intent was to circumvent a trial, where all the evidence would become a matter of public record.

Rather than closing off questions, I think this is only going to serve to raise more questions, and more questions that may remain unanswered. Many people were waiting for this trial because they wanted the truth the full story, everything to be unveiled, everything to be uncovered and revealed. Now that may not be the case not because people don’t necessarily know what’s happened or now restricted from reporting it, but much of the evidence simply may not come out that would otherwise have come out at trial.

I’m personally hoping that this information does come out because the general public deserve to know the truth but one thing I really can’t understand is how the system has so dismally failed the victims of this monster.

In the same way it failed the girls of Rotherham, Telford, Oxford, Bradford…

It had earlier emerged that Rudakubana had been referred three times to Prevent, the Government’s scheme to stop terrorist violence. One of the referrals followed concerns about Rudakubana’s potential interest in the killing of children in a school massacre […]

It also emerged today that Rudakubana was stopped from travelling to his former school by his father just one week before the Southport attack.

In that incident, Rudakubana dressed in the same gear he would use a week later at Southport. He booked the taxi under a false name, but his father intervened. By then, it was well established that Rudakubana was prone to violence and obsessed with dictators and murders. He was expelled from one school, and teachers at another, which he largely ‘attended’ from home, asked for police to attend when they visited him at home.

Yet, for all that, nobody apparently knew nuffin’.

Police and the Starmer government won’t say when they learned of Rudabukana’s background and terror links, but it is well established that both the ricin and al-Qaeda manuals were found when his home was raided within hours of the crime. Yet, when Nigel Farage asked the next day what was known about the killer and if he was known to police, he was blocked from asking questions in Parliament.

The official silence helped build a head of steam both in the town and elsewhere that exploded into rioting, leading to more than 1,200 arrests. Dozens of people involved were jailed, including some who had posted inflammatory comments on social media platforms. Bizarrely some were themselves threatened with terrorist charges.

Yet, Rudakubana avoided terror charges, because, police say, they couldn’t establish motivation to label this as a terror-related incident. This is yet another obfuscation.

There is no horror the British establishment will not tolerate, as it sacrifices its own little girls on the altar of ‘diversity’.

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