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What Did They Think Would Happen?

Trans double-rapist Adam Graham, who calls himself “Isla Bryson”. The BFD.

The misogynist “trans” movement sure has a way of exploiting ordinary peoples’ good intentions in order to target women.

A few years back, when the Tasmanian Greens and Labor exploited the legislative changes necessitated by the Same-Sex Marriage voluntary postal survey and colluded to force through “Self-ID” laws — without ever putting it to the voting public — I canvassed the reactions of people in Launceston.

Most were, initially, wholly supportive of the changes — until I explained the detail. On learning that the laws would enable men to change their legal sex on the flimsiest grounds — a simple Statutory Declaration, no doctor’s reports, no hormones, no surgery — almost all changed their minds.

Not that it mattered to the trannies and their enablers in the Greens and Labor: the laws were forced through parliament.

Now, the tranny lobby are at it again: agitating for changes to the law that will enable abusive, predatory “trans-women” at the expense of women.

A transgender rights group is pushing for reform in the name of a transgender woman who was allegedly raped while being housed with the male population inside a Tasmanian prison.

“Allegedly” in this case meaning, “No evidence it actually happened”.

A spokesman for the Tasmania Prison Service (TPS) said allegations of serious offences were referred directly to Tasmania Police for investigation.

Police have no record of the alleged rape, which was never reported […]

“The TPS has no record that the individual in question identified as female.”

Yet, on the basis of this, “transgender rights” activists are pushing to have sex removed altogether from Tasmanian birth certificates, and for men to be put in women’s prisons, without question, if they claim to be women.

Because no male predator is ever going to exploit that.

A female prisoner today warns of the dangers of putting transgender inmates in women’s jails after she was sexually assaulted by a paedophile rapist behind bars.

Laura Goldsmith, 38, revealed how she fell prey to notorious sex offender Karen White [Stephen Wood] in HMP New Hall in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.

In chilling echoes of the shocking case of transgender double rapist Isla Bryson [Adam Graham] being placed in an all-female jail in Scotland, Laura told how White [Wood] was allowed to carry out a campaign of abuse in plain sight after being placed in the jail despite not having surgery and boasted how she [he] was not having hormone treatment.

White was a convicted paedophile and serial sex offender on remand for grievous bodily harm.

White went on to be jailed for life after sexually assaulting two inmates at New Hall.

But he said he was a woman, and who are we to question a paedophile rapist? Setting a fox loose in the hen house is a grievous violation of fox rights.

Speaking out in the hope that other women will never have to face a similar fate Laura told MailOnline: ‘There is no doubt that some men are using the transgender issue to get themselves inside women’s prisons.

‘They are either doing it because they are scared of men’s prisons or because it gives them the opportunity to satisfy their perversions.

‘There are men trying to abuse the system and they are being allowed to do so.
‘Women are being put at risk by the system placing predatory men in their prisons.’

Daily Mail

Sorry, luv, you need to get with the program. It’s a trans-woman’s world, now, and you real women are just going to have to learn to lie back and take it.

It’s their “transgender rights”, after all.


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