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What Did You Expect: They’re Chinese

It seems that wherever you look, folks are using Temu to buy extremely low-priced products covering almost every style, type, and category.

Temu promises exclusive discounts and ultra-low prices, but at what cost? Useless products? Cheap-knockoffs? Packages that never arrive?

[…] When shopping online, there’s always a risk of purchasing products from a brand you’re unfamiliar with. And with Temu, that risk is even higher. You may have come across Temu through various ads that highlight their low prices and attractive deals. However, what you don’t see in these ads is the truth behind those cheap prices.

Most Temu products are of low quality. They may look like popular brand-name products, but they are merely copies. In other words, you’re just wasting your money on junky products that will most likely disappoint you in terms of quality and performance.

It’s easy to produce cheap knock-offs when you don’t have to worry about pesky things like worker safety and intellectual property.

[…] They currently have an average rating of 2.5 stars, which shows the platform doesn’t meet customer expectations. People reported their purchased items never arrived, or if they did, they were weeks or even months late.

Wow, who would have thought?

[…] Temu not only collects your information but also shares it with third-party companies to target advertisements and marketing. After that, the companies use your data to bombard you with ads and track your online activity.

Even worse, Temu’s privacy policy says they may consider this data for sale. This means your personal information may end up in unknown hands without your consent.

And you thought Facebook was bad.
[…] Temu sells products through shady schemes and false promises. Flash sales and limited-time offers create a false sense of urgency. These schemes encourage buyers to make quick purchases without researching and reading reviews.

In other words, Temu creates FOMO (fear of missing out) among customers, driving them to act before the offer ends or the item runs out. This tactic is misleading and may lead buyers to regret their purchases.

Temu is owned by Chinese company PDD Holdings. In the US it’s been found that there is an “extremely high risk of forced labor contamination within Temu’s supply chains”. To be fair, though, Temu is just what China would be if China was a dodgy online shopping business. After all, the Chinese economy is built on cheap labour and rampant intellectual property violation.


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“I’ll pay $750 if it goes to the disabled community or it goes to a rest-home or somebody that needs it, not to the council” – Shea

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