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What Doesn’t Kristina Kenneally Want Us to Know about Christchurch?

Internet censorship

George R R Martin famously wrote that, “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say. ” Outside of possibly North Korea, today’s despots don’t go in much for tongue-tearing any more. After all, the buggers can still write.

It’s much better to completely silence someone by banishing them completely from the public sphere. As Orwell showed, when someone is thoroughly Memory-Holed by the modern state, it’s as if they never existed and no one will ever know just what it was that they said that made the powers-that-be so afraid.

Australia’s Queen of the Unflushables, Kristina Kenneally, is clearly very afraid of what Christchurch Shooter Brenton Tarrant had to say. So much so that she wants to go the full Jacinda and ban Australians from ever reading his idiotic “manifesto”.

For all its incoherence and undergraduate shitposting, anyone who actually forces themselves to read Tarrant’s screed might just learn a thing or two that they’re not supposed to.

Why doesn’t KK want people to know Tarrant stated that:

Climate change was the most pressing issue facing the world;

Communist China was the nation that he felt most aligned to; and

he began his political activism with communists?

Wait, what? He’s a “right-wing extremist”, isn’t he? After all, Jacinda Ardern says so – and it’s not like she’d lie, surely?

What else might be learned by suffering through Tarrant’s barely-comprehensible garbage?

Tarrant’s goal was to foment violence & usher in governments with the will and the power to take forcible violent action against their own citizens to reduce world population. He ascribes to an ideology best labelled as eco-terrorism. It is part environmentalism & part racism.

Tarrant also believes in a kind of ethnic or racial environmentalism. He essentially wanted populations to return to their homelands […]

Importantly Tarrant offers no ideological critique of Islam. He just believes Islamic people should live in Islamic lands. He is not against Islam per se, he is against Muslims living in the West. He’s a mix of woke secularism, racism & the idea that the ethnic state is god.

In many ways, Tarrant’s violent & abhorrent worldview is a militarised extension of woke beliefs that indigenous populations are the font of all local environmental knowledge.

For instance, after the 2020 bushfires, the media-elite published reams of op-eds praising “cultural burning” and the supposedly unique insight that Aboriginal Australians have into environmental management that we mere whitefellas cannot hope to emulate. In fact, the notion that Aboriginal Australians have a magical “connection to the land” that no one else can have has been endorsed as far as the High Court.

Anyone who reads and understands Tarrant’s manifesto would know that it is proof that woke greenies can be violent racial segregationists. Maybe that’s why Kristina Keneally wants to keep it hidden. I say it’s abhorrent & it should be read to understand what drives these psychos.

Indeed the only way to anticipate and defeat the enemies of liberal democracy – whether right or left – is to know and understand their idiotic ideologies. If we are forbidden from finding out for ourselves, if we are treated not as grown adults but impressionable children, then extremists will continue to flourish.

The truth is the next Tarrant is far more likely to be a budding social justice warrior wagging school to join the crowd at a protest against climate change than the old man at a Liberal party meeting.

The Good Sauce

Australia has already witnessed one mass shooting by a radical, left-wing environmentalist. A radical gay-rights activist perpetrated a car-bomb attack. Far-left race-baiters openly spout extremist incitement to burn Australia to the ground.

Slippery factional warriors like Kenneally must not be allowed to pull a blindfold over our eyes. Sunlight still remains the best disinfectant.

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