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Image credit The BFD.

Saul Alinsky was an American commie who thought nothing of using and manipulating others for his own ends. To paraphrase his own words, “the ends always justified the means.” Anyway, he wrote a little book called “Rules for Radicals.” Two of the rules are of particular relevance today.

The first is rule 12 which says “Pick the target, freeze it, personalise it, and polarise it. This rule is the basis of the Twitter mob attack.

The second is rule 4 which says “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

As you know the government is proposing new hate speech laws that will basically criminalise speech that causes “hurty feelings.” It’s pretty obvious that the proposed laws are intended to be used by the Left against the Right and anyone who disagrees with the Left. What the Left hasn’t figured out is that those same laws can be used against them. Now, most people are against these laws for obvious reasons. But I say, bring it on!

Take the far-left subsidised-by-your-tax-money television show “Shortland Street” for example. Recently they introduced a character designed to smear conservatives. This character is portrayed as bigoted, intolerant, and extremely racist. In other words, a parody and not even close to reality. Yep .. hate speech!

I regard myself as a libertarian. To the Left, libertarians are the personification of evil who would not only not save a drowning man but would also stomp on his head. Not only do they think this but they openly say so. Yep, you guessed it, … hate speech!

As for social media which is dominated by particularly nasty Leftists, need I say anymore? Hate speech!

So go for it, peeps! Get on Facebook and Twitter. Look for examples in the media. Screenshot and save every instance of hate speech against the Right, conservatives, libertarians and other such groups that you can find. If the Left wants to criminalise hate speech then let them and let’s make sure that they’re the ones who are on the receiving end.

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