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Colin Parkinson

It may sound like a stupid question, one that even a child should be able to answer, but why does the mere thought of trying to answer this simple question seem to be causing so many people to have a near meltdown?

The Prime Minister put our country back in the international spotlight once again (and as usual it seems to be for all the wrong reasons) with his rather botched attempt at answering this basic question. In fact, he seemed to be so bewildered that he was struggling to even form a coherent sentence. As a follow-up to his response, I thought it might be worth asking a few more politicians and perhaps we can see if there is a bigger problem here.

I asked Simeon Brown, Simon O’Connor, Dr Shane Reti and Christopher Luxon from the National Party and have yet to receive a reply. I also asked David Seymour from the ACT Party and received the following from his office:

Thank you for your query to David. His answer is very clear – a woman is an adult human female.

A bit disappointing that David Seymour’s office was the only one to reply, but actually not much of a surprise here. National seems to just be unable to say or do anything that goes too far out of step with the Labour Party these days. So while I don’t support many of his views, I give full points to David Seymour (and the ACT Party) on this one, and zero points to Labour/National. I didn’t even bother asking the Greens about this, but readers are quite welcome to make their own enquiries if they like.

I thought it worth putting the question to a few church pastors and received the following replies:

The only way to know what is a woman is to ask the one who created her. The Lord God gave us this answer in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Therefore, the answer is: A woman is a female human made in God’s image. Much more could be said, but sometimes less is more.

Pastor Logan Hagoort (Presbyterian Minister)
A woman is a human adult biological female. She has a uterus and vagina and is able to have babies if God allows.

-Pastor Richard (Baptist Pastor)

The Bible teaches us that God made Eve out of one of Adam’s ribs. (Gen 2:21-24) Adam named her “woman” because she was taken out of man. (Gen 2:23 )
Mankind is made in the image of God, who made us as male and female. (Gen 1:27 )

The Bible doesn’t change each week to follow the latest “trends”, it simply proclaims the truth, it remains sure and steadfast, never wavering to the left or right, it stands as a beacon of hope for a lost people in desperate need of answers.

How is it that mankind, created in the very image of God, could fall so low that we fail to comprehend the most basic things such as the difference between male and female? Even animals seem to now be more intelligent in this regard. How could such a terrible thing happen to the minds of so many people? As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “Men have forgotten God, that is why these terrible things have happened.”
The Book of Romans in the Bible points out what happens to those who forget about God and become lost in sexual immorality.

Claiming to be wise they became fools.

-Romans 1:22
They exchanged the truth of God for a lie.

-Romans 1:25
So, God gave them over to a debased mind.

-Romans 1:28

Is it really any different today, is our culture any more “advanced” than at the time of the Roman Empire? Will we ever learn from history?

The further we move from the Truth, the further we head into the lie. We become a people lost with no sense of direction, wandering aimlessly.

Today, we see our young people abandoning what is natural for the lies being pushed on them by “trans activists”. Most of our politicians seem to be too scared to take a stand against these dangerous ideologies. I challenge the readers of this article to take a stand and speak up for our children. Contact your local MP and tell them that you will have no part of this nonsense. Tell them you will vote for those who show that they have morals. Stand up against the “lie”.

The single step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.


People have forgotten God and in doing so they have forgotten who they themselves are. No longer seeing themselves as anything more than animals, unable to even define man and woman, male and female. They try to seek meaning and purpose, but these things evade them at every turn, they chase out new truths, subjective truth, but this truth is nothing more than lies as the very term “subjective truth” is itself an oxymoron, as truth must by its very definition be objective.

To put it simply: A woman is an adult, human, female.

It is the presence or absence of a “Y Chromosome” that determines whether a person is male or female. There are some genetic disorders that cause “exceptions” to this, but they are extremely rare. This is not an ideology, but rather biology, determined by genetics. This is objective truth.

For those who are wondering, I also asked the Editor of The BFD how she would define a woman, and as she is a woman, perhaps it is best I end this article with her response:

I define a woman as an adult human female.
In addition, a woman has two X chromosomes.

Juana Atkins


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