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What Is the Point of a Budget If You Won’t Stick To It?

Ram raid. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

Less than three weeks after delivering the Budget, the Minister of Finance is refusing to commit to its spending limits for next year, National’s Finance spokesperson Nicola Willis says.

During his appearance at the Finance and Expenditure Committee this morning, the Minister of Finance, Grant Robertson, refused to commit to sticking to the $4.5 billion operating allowance he set for next year’s Budget.

“This year’s Budget documents show that of the $4.5 billion set aside for next year, $2 billion has already been spent, with Treasury warning that there isn’t enough left over for next year – estimating that another $1 billion will be required just to stand still,” Ms Willis says.

“The Labour Government is addicted to spending. Minister Robertson can’t even stand by a spending limit he set for himself less than a month ago.

“This makes a joke of his Budget commitment to bring the Government’s books back in balance. That commitment was made on the basis of a spending limit he never intended to meet.

“Household budgets around the country are being squeezed more and more as inflation soars under this Government’s watch.

“Many New Zealanders are having to tighten their belts just to survive, yet Labour are spending like they have won the Lotto, and there’s no sign of them stopping.”

Never ending shambles. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.
