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What Labor and the Greens ‘Stand With’

The faces of hate in Sydney. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The Australian left continue to cover themselves with the filth of Palestinian terrorism. The same day that Greens politicians marched with Sydney Muslims chanting “gas the Jews”, and the Greens leader tweeted, not to condemn Hamas but Israel, Pakistani-born Muslim Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi tweeted that it was “disgusting” for an Australian government to support Israel.

This is what the Greens “stand with”:

As many as 40 babies and young children have been horrifically slaughtered, many of them beheaded, in a Hamas terrorist massacre unleashed on the kibbutz of Kfar Aza.

Israel defence officials opened the kibbutz to international media on Wednesday, four days after the Hamas terrorists stormed the kibbutz close to the Gaza border, appearing to target and mutilate the most vulnerable: pregnant women and young babies.

The brutal sights of beheaded young children were so disturbing, soldiers who were tasked with dismantling booby traps and recovering the bodies – after having secured the area – were seen crying and comforting each other.

The atrocities from Kfar Aza, as well as Kibbutz Be’eri and Kibbutz Re’em shows that the Hamas militants were intent on brutalising their mass murder spree, to leave a deep psychological imprint on those left behind.

The Australian

Do you still “stand with” that, Adam Bandt and Mehreen? How about you, Golriz, Chloe and Ricardo? Do you see, now, what “from the river to the sea” means? Do you even care?

Or do you just hate Jews that much?

Where the Greens are only too willing to publicly roll in the muck of anti-Semitic barbarity, Labor are gutlessly shuffling their feet and hoping the pig shit doesn’t smell too obviously.

John Howard has demanded ­Anthony Albanese display “leadership from the top” to stop Labor’s “pussyfooting” response to the Hamas terror atrocities and ­labelled anti-Israeli protests at the Sydney Opera House a “catastrophic descent from civility”.

As Benjamin Netanyahu threatened Hamas terrorists in Gaza with a military response that would “echo throughout the generations”, federal and NSW Labor faced outrage from the Jewish community over the handling of pro-Palestinian protesters who burned the Israeli flag and chanted anti-Semitic slurs in Sydney on Sunday and Monday nights.

The big problem for Labor is that Jew-hating Muslims are one of their most crucial voting blocs. Hence, Labor have increasingly pandered to the slime of humanity in the middle East, in order to win grubby votes in Sydney’s outer West.

Two of the most senior federal ministers from western Sydney – Tony Burke and Chris Bowen – were under pressure for failing to full-throatedly condemn local anti-­Israel preachers and activists who led the two NSW rallies celebrating Hamas’s attacks. And NSW Police Minister Yasmin Catley refused to apologise for officers telling Sydney’s Jewish community to avoid the Opera House – which was being lit up in the ­colours of the Israeli flag in commemoration of Israel’s war dead and hostages – as they let an unauthorised group of 700 protesters march to the site and throw flares at the steps […]

Mr Howard on Tuesday called on all sides of politics to condemn Hamas and its sympathisers, as he accused Labor widely of being “hugely conflicted” on the issue. He said Foreign Minister Penny Wong appeared “uncomfortable” in her condemnations, and ­signalled the Prime Minister was not being unequivocal in his support of Israel.

But a Labor government on a mere 32% primary vote are too desperate to turn down any vote, no matter how bloodstained it is.

It has since emerged that Anthony Albanese is hardly taking the worst mass-murder of Jews since the Holocaust with any sort of seriousness.

It emerged on Tuesday that Mr Albanese was yet to hold a national security committee meeting on the Israel-Hamas conflict, despite 10,000 Australians being in the war-torn country and the potential hit to the global economy.

The NSC brings together the nation’s most senior ministers, ­intelligence and military chiefs and top diplomats and mandarins.

Sources said no meeting of the NSC had been called, and none yet scheduled, despite Mr Albanese getting daily briefings on the war in Israel.

The Australian

Meanwhile, two of Albanese’s most senior ministers whose electorates are in Sydney’s Muslim heartland have failed to directly condemn Islamic preachers who cheered that they were “elated” at the mass-murder of Jews. Or say anything, really.

The celebration of these terrorist attacks in Sydney’s southwest and in the city this week have shone a spotlight on the voters the Albanese government and the Labor Party have been pandering to and courting in recent years. It has been well-reported that Labor has long been a supporter of Israel – until the demographics in western Sydney changed with increasing migration. To appeal to their voters, Labor MPs walked away from supporting the democracy of Israel and started pushing for boycotts and recognition of a Palestinian state, even wanting to ban sponsored trips to Israel.

Terrorist group Hamas applauded Foreign Minister Penny Wong’s policies in a press release when she hardened Labor’s position against Israel this year. Labor’s national foreign policy has been catering to the minority of Australians who do not share our common values of mateship, tolerance and acceptance. Instead, they wish death to the Jews.

They do not believe the Jewish community should exist. Never has this been more clear than in the wake of the worst atrocities perpetrated against the Jewish people in decades. This should serve as a wake-up call for federal Labor to examine exactly who it is that the party has been bending over backwards to appease.

The Australian

To his credit, NSW Premier Chris Minns has since apologised to the Jewish community for the shocking failure of NSW police to do anything other than arrest Jewish Australians, while Muslims lit flares, burned Israeli flags, and chanted, “Gas the Jews” and “Allahu ackbar” on the steps of the Opera House.

Don’t expect any such faint decency from Anthony Albanese, let alone the Greens. Not when there’s a few votes to win from anti-Semitic hate-mongers.
