California is now on lockdown with the Governor issuing a stay at home order for residents.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide order for all of the state’s residents to “stay at home” during the coronavirus pandemic.
“We need to bend the curve in the state of California,” Newsom said in an announcement. “There’s a social contract here. People I think recognize the need to do more. They will adjust and adapt as they have.”
“Home isolation is not my preferred choice … but it is a necessary one,” Newsom added. “This is not a permanent state; it is a moment in time.”
In accordance with the new “stay at home” measure, dine-in restaurants, bars, clubs, gyms, and fitness studios will be closed. Public events and gatherings of people are also not permitted.
arlier Thursday, it was revealed California estimated that more than half of the state, which includes 25.5 million people, will contract the coronavirus throughout the next eight weeks, according to a letter sent by Newsom to President Donald Trump.
“In the last 24 hours, we had 126 new COVID-19 cases, a 21 percent increase. In some parts of our state, our case rate is doubling every four days,” Newsom wrote in the letter. Newsom also requested that Trump dispatch the USNS Mercy hospital ship to the Port of Los Angeles through September 1, 2020, to assist with expected cases.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand, our Prime Minister and her deluded health officials keep telling us there is no evidence of community spread of the virus.
I’m starting to get really very angry with this. What makes the government think we are different from the rest of the entire world?
The countries that have done the best are those with the toughest lock down provisions. Even yesterday, the Ministry of Education was still keeping schools open, using the mantra of no community spread. It is gobsmackingly stupid to think that New Zealand is somehow going to avoid doing what every other nation on earth is doing.
I think that the Prime Minister thinks she has this under control and is in front of the curve. What she is missing is that we are a couple of weeks behind Australia and a month or two behind the rest of the world. Also, the cold weather hasn’t hit us yet.
We aren’t in front of the curve, we are tracking pretty much the same as Italy. In another week things are going to look very different and not in a good way. I hope I’m wrong but the reality of the rest of the world’s experience is bearing down on this government faster than the proverbial freight train at the end of the tunnel.
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