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“Change the Date” won’t stop this. The BFD.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the left are low-information dogmatists. They will furiously deny plain facts, if the facts contradict their dogmas. Not just because they’re bigots, but because they’re so thoroughly ignorant.

When the left deny well-established scientific facts on lockdowns and mask mandates, when they deny that drag queens are exposing themselves to children, it’s not just because they don’t want to believe it — it’s because they literally do not know. When Bill Maher denied to Winsome Sears’ face that drag queens were grinding on children’s faces in schools, he wasn’t being mendacious, he literally did not know.

The left in Australia is not just ignorant about the deplorable facts of domestic and child abuse in Aboriginal communities, they are willfully ignorant. They’d literally rather leave Aboriginal women and children to be bashed and raped, than admit that it was happening.

Because that would be fatal to their worldview that Aboriginal culture is uniquely wonderful. They are no better than Catholic bishops who let priests molest children, rather than expose the Church to scandal.

Even worse, they deny what they know to be true, simply as a means to attack their enemies.

Indigenous senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has accused the Northern Territory government of the “absolutely disgusting” denial that young Indigenous children are suffering rampant sexual abuse in Central Australia.

A political storm erupted on Thursday during Peter Dutton’s visit to Alice Springs, as the ABC came under fire for abruptly ending the live broadcast of a fiery ­exchange between the ­Opposition Leader and an ABC journalist over the claims.

The Australian

For all the furious denial of the left, though, even The Guardian reports that,

In some [Aboriginal] communities every person had reported being affected by child sexual abuse

The Guardian

Rather than admit that Dutton is right, though, Labor and its lapdogs tried a mendacious attack.

NT Police Minister Kate Worden attacked Mr Dutton for ­“absolutely opportunistic political game-­playing” in alleging widespread child sexual abuse in the territory.

“It’s quite frankly a dog act,” Ms Worden said, calling on Mr Dutton to report any evidence he had to police.

Labor senator for the NT, ­Malarndirri McCarthy, also called for the allegations to be referred to police. “I would ask Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, if you are aware of this, then you need to mandatorily report it to police so that there can be an investigation immediately, and if you have not done that, I would urge you to do so as soon as possible,” she said.

What they’re trying to do here is pathetically obvious, of course. Making an absolutely correct statistical assertion is not the same as making a specific allegation. For instance, I can absolutely correctly assert that as many as one in three Australians will download some form of illegal content from the internet, this year. I cannot specifically identify any of them.

But the latter still does not disprove the former.

Senator Price, from the NT, labelled Ms Worden’s comments “absolutely disgusting”, saying she had personally sat through a court case of a teenage girl raped by her own father.

“To claim that it is a dog act from Dutton for actually caring and want to see a reduction in the abuse of children – that is the dog act,” Senator Price said.

The Australian

Labor knows this. They know Peter Dutton is right.

But they’d rather that abuse of Aboriginal children goes unchecked than admit that their political enemy is right.

These people are disgusting.


No More Shirking from Home

No More Shirking from Home

The Government orders people shirking from home back to the office. The wailing and howling from the unions and Labour is hilarious.

Members Public