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What You Get When You Vote in a Green Council

This leak has been going on for over five years. Photo supplied. The BFD


There is a failure of local governments everywhere in New Zealand and it is a sorry saga being played out in various forms by all our councils infested with neo-Marxist nitwits, communist cretins and ex-student activists who have never grown up.

It is particularly bad in Wellington where a series of failures and fiscal irresponsibility has piled up to crisis point, manifested spectacularly in a water shortage crisis in a region that has more than adequate rain, yet has a water supply system like some sub–Saharan Third-World failing country. Water restrictions are getting tougher and Local Government Minister Simeon Brown is asking tough questions of the Wellington and Hutt Mayors. A link to the letter to the Wellington Mayor is here,


This situation has been building for at least two decades but has appreciably worsened under a series of ever-increasingly incompetent councils more and more dominated by green goons, climate clowns and socialist simpletons who are big on ideology and posturing and small on ability and doing things that need to be done – as opposed to ideological vanity projects.

Mayor Tory Whanau’s green soviet is the nadir of this long line of failure that started in earnest with green Celia Wade-Brown’s mayoralty in 2010. It’s been a roller coaster ride that has more downward slopes of failure with the only rises being massive rises in rates to the point of creating rates hardship and rates refugees leaving town.

What is particularly galling is, as if knowing the Government was changing in October 2023, the WCC has rushed in gangs of workers at great expense to push through as much green nonsense as possible in the latter half of 2023. These included cycle lanes, traffic islands, speed humps (one in an entrance to a roundabout in Lyall Bay), raised pedestrian crossings and the relocation of bus stops into traffic flow to block traffic. They did all this while ignoring infrastructure problems, one of which is manifesting itself as a plethora of water leaks that see thousands of litres an hour flowing into gutters and ending up in the sea. Wellingtonians are being asked to save water while they watch it flow into drains.

Now, after being pressured out of her stupor and initially ignoring Simeon Brown’s request for answers, the mayor has finally awoken to the political danger and is in damage control mode. Her ignoring the Minister has all been a ‘misunderstanding’ apparently. Here is a link to the article.

As evidence of the water leak problem, I offer a small selection of photos of leaks, all within a ten-minute brisk walk on merely a few select streets in Lyall Bay and one in Kilbirnie. These would represent a minute fraction of Eastern Wellington’s leaks let alone the region’s.

Photo supplied. The BFD
A fire hydrant on Southerland Road. Photo supplied. The BFD

A fire hydrant on Southerland Road. It’s been like this for many weeks since I noticed it in December. There are four more, one a Council repair gone bad after a week that has not even been repaved over yet.

Hungerford Road. Photo supplied. The BFD

Hungerford Road. The pavement is slowly being undermined. This is months old.

One of two in Queen’s Drive. Photo supplied. The BFD

One of two in Queen’s Drive with the pavement saturated with water. It emanates from a bank and the plants are loving it. Another long-term leak.

Onepu Road, Lyall Bay. Photo supplied. The BFD

Onepu Road, Lyall Bay.

This leak has been going on for over five years. Photo supplied. The BFD

This is an interesting one. It’s from an old Mitre 10 shop on Tirangi Road that closed around 17–18 years ago. The arrow points to a water cascade (the white streaks) that is hard to see in the photo. It comes from what must be an overflowing ceiling water tank. The plant, moss and mould life are healthy and abundant while everything around it is drying up and dying. This leak has been going on for over five years.

Childer’s terrace by a Church in Kilbirnie. Photo supplied. The BFD

This one is on Childer’s terrace by a church in Kilbirnie. It’s been going strong for over seven months, so much so that water plants are starting to grow on the pavement. The Council has finally noticed it and the sum total of action is the placement of the ubiquitous road cone.

Meanwhile, this is what the Council spends money on and wastes its labour on as the water disappears.

Cycle lanes that are mostly empty. Photo supplied. The BFD

Cycle lanes that are mostly empty.

Traffic islands that are totally unnecessary and extra wide to kill traffic flow. Photo supplied. The BFD

Traffic islands that are totally unnecessary and extra wide to kill traffic flow. As of a week ago this unnecessary concrete waste was still taking place by a Supermarket on Onepu Road Kilbirnie.

The WCC is also moaning about finding two million dollars to fix the leaks but is happy to allocate 5 million dollars to an unnecessary skateboard park.

The incompetence, irresponsibility and total lack of awareness of their core job, infrastructure, is astounding. With the election result of two green electorate MPs and a Council dominated by green dolts, Wellington is truly the Pyongyang of the South Pacific. Wellington’s new motto must now be, Absolutely Positively Going Nowhere but downhill and broke.
