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What’s It Like Being Tasered by Tova O’Brien?

Image credit The BFD.

Superwoman Tova seems to get a “stunned mullet” reaction from interviewees on Newshub Nation.

This week it was “big fish” Paul Hunt, the Human Rights Commissioner, who was squirming out of the fry-pan trying to avoid Tova’s taser like beam.

He, like Justice Minster Faafoi, couldn’t or wouldn’t provide any answers.

He presented himself with words written on his shirt as if this had been his preparation for the interview.

Image credit The BFD.

For Paul Hunt, it was like “speak to the shirt”.
The writing on the shirt would provide all the answers.

Right from the start, we didn’t hold out for getting any sense out of him. The “Koha” of $200 of our money given to the Mongrel mob was not a good look especially since members of the Waikato Mongrel Mob were arrested in a global bust a few weeks later.

Was it “protection money”? The Mongrel Mob should have paid “Paul the Shirt” $200 to actually enter a gang pad.

Questions about human rights seemed off-limits but he did react by called it “unfair and unjust” that National wanted him to resign and ACT were weighing in as well.

“Twinkle Toes” Seymour wanted the whole Human Rights Commission to be abandoned altogether as it was a left-wing set- up with a UN plant leading it.

“Sensible Simeon” (Brown) MP, when grilled by Tova’s doppelgänger Hogan with the Long black locks, didn’t think that the gangs should be getting “Kohas” when they are selling meth, and he personally wouldn’t have a cup of tea with them.

One of the commentators thought Paul Hunt was “a useful idiot”, a term the Russians use.

But back to the Mongrel Mob, who are now getting nearly $3m for trauma, and drug rehabilitation on a marae. This money is coming from the confiscated proceeds of crime. It’s a money-go-round. The Mongrel Mob just can’t lose. Kiwiblog says “it’s a sick joke”.

Photoshopped image credit WH. The BFD

Did you notice that the Queen Bee of the Beehive (Ardern) seems to be losing her “drones”?

The previously servile woman journalists like Audrey Young, Fran O’Sullivan, Andrea Vance and Tova O’Brien seem to be losing their “buzz” for Ardern.

Isn’t it a relief to see the bought and paid for media actually disagreeing with their Dear Leader?

Are her “drones” actually seeing the Queen Bee for what she is?  “Tyrannosaurus Rex” A tyrannical lizard!

There is possibly a rogue MP amongst them as well. Unlike Nanaia Mahuta, Louisa Wall MP did mention slavery and forced organ donation in China in her interview with Tova on Nation.

Dr Muriel Newman is wondering if the Covid Honeymoon is over?
The latest Roy Morgan poll in June says Labour has slumped 6.5%. From 45% in May to 38.5% in June. The election night gap of 24.4 points has narrowed to 9 points.

After only 8 months the wheels are coming off for Labour.

As we are now seeing our Dear Leader as “Tyrannosaurus Rex” we may as well have a few words from the song “Children of the Revolution” from the group T-Rex.

Well you can bump and grind
If it’s good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout
Let it all hang out

But you won’t fool the children of the revolution
No, you won’t fool the children of the revolution
No, you won’t fool the children of the revolution
No no no
No way

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