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What’s the Plan to Reopen Auckland Schools?

boy in black hoodie sitting on chair
Photo by Taylor Wilcox. The BFD.

After seven weeks of lost school time, Aucklanders need a plan to get their children back to school, says National’s Education spokesperson Paul Goldsmith.

All we know is that schools won’t reopen on October 18, but no one has any idea when they will reopen or what the criteria required is for reopening.

There is no plan to support senior school leaders and teachers in their planning for Term 4, and nothing that can offer students and parents hope.  We urgently need one.

In particular, those students in Years 11, 12 and 13 who are due to start their NCEA exams on November 22 need to know what will happen if Auckland is still locked down. The Government must have a plan in place to support these students.

The Government seems incapable of thinking ahead, only now getting on to dealing with issues of vaccinations, rapid testing, ventilation and a host of other issues that it should have been able to see coming.

The absence of school is having a devastating effect on the learning and wellbeing of schoolchildren.

Is there a percentage vaccination rate that will allow schools to reopen?

If a school can demonstrate all its teachers are vaccinated, why can’t it reopen on October 18?

It does matter that our kids are at school.  We need more far more hustle from this Government to get on with it.

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