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When Joe Biden Sided with “Racist Cops”

“Say, Strom – wanna go sniff them coloured kids’ hair?” (not a real quote). The BFD.

If the public backlash against the radical-left-orchestrated and Democrat-abetted riots don’t win Donald Trump another term in the White House, Joe Biden will. I thought the Democrats would never find a less appealing candidate than Hillary Clinton, but, hoo boy, did I underestimate them!

Biden is not just barely cognitively functional, he’s downright creepy. He makes Family Guy’s Herbert the Pervert seem like the kind of guy you could safely leave the grandkiddies with for a weekend.

Now, worse for a Democrat party trying to pretend that they just hate da po-po too, Biden’s Thin Blue Line, race-baitin’ past is coming to inconvenient light.

Nearly 30 years before a bystander with a cellphone caught a Minneapolis Police Department officer restraining George Floyd with his knee on Floyd’s neck, police in Los Angeles were covertly taped beating a criminal suspect. And Sen. Joe Biden, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, proposed legislation siding with police.

Not much needs be said about the Rodney King incident – actually, a whole lot needs to be said about the incident, because the legacy media sure as hell won’t tell you.

For instance, the media won’t tell you that King ran from the police that night because being arrested for speeding would violate his probation for armed robbery. Neither will they tell you that King repeatedly attacked the arresting officers – who had already holstered their weapons rather than risk a fatal encounter with what they believed was a “PCP-crazed giant” who had repeatedly thrown them off like rag dolls, dancing, laughing and babbling incoherently. The use of batons – the only part the media will show you – was a last resort. Or that King’s companions, who cooperated with police, were unharmed.

The renowned (black) economist Walter Williams was shocked by “the news media’s dereliction and deception” in their deliberately selective reporting.

But back to Joe Biden.

Sensing upcoming unrest, lawmakers in Washington began to act. In May 1991, Biden authored a Senate bill that would have provided greater protections to cops accused of misconduct. The ” Police Officer’s Bill of Rights Act” aimed at strengthening protections when law enforcement officers were accused of misconduct. The law contained measures that would have streamlined all police misconduct investigations nationwide, ensuring that every department followed identical standards.

The bill also would have restricted when and how misconduct investigations could take place, such as limiting interviews to one interrogator at a time and requiring that lawyer represent the officer in question. State and city governments would also have been forbidden from questions regarding an officer’s finances or asking about the finances of their family.

The bill also would have authorized “a cause of action in State court by the officer for recovery of damages and full reinstatement against a law enforcement agency that materially violates rights afforded under this Act, subject to specified limitations.”

The Police Officer’s Bill of Rights never made it out of committee, although a modified version of its text was included in the Biden-Thurmond Violent Crime Control Act of 1991. That bill was eventually adjusted into the controversial 1994 crime bill that was enacted during the Clinton administration.

So Joe Biden’s reaction to the most infamous “police brutality” case prior to George Floyd was to take the side of the supposedly “racist cops”. Not only that, but he allied himself with the last of the pro-segregation Dixiecrats, Strom Thurmond. Thurmond infamously ran his presidential tilt in 1948 by telling supporters that no way, no how, would he allow “the Nigra race into our theaters, into our swimming pools, into our homes, and into our churches”.

Thurmond kind of forgot to ever mention that he had impregnated his teenaged black maid in the 1920s.

Indeed, perhaps out of sympathy for a fellow groper, Biden delivered the eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral in 2003.

This is the guy who had the gall to tell black voters that “you ain’t black” if they didn’t vote for him.

“Say, Strom – wanna go sniff them coloured kids’ hair?” (not a real quote). The BFD.

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