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Where Are All Our Conservative Heroes?

It is election year and commenters and pundits are all calling for people to vote for the National Party so we can rid ourselves of this Labour regime. But what are the differences really between Labour and National? From my perspective, they are different sides of the same coin. As I look across the various parties in the Parliament, I wonder to myself, ‘Where are all our conservative heroes?’

The National Party is obviously the putative torch carrier for conservatism, but are they really? Haven’t they become a weak-kneed party with the thinnest of veneers of conservatism?

Recent media appearances by Christopher Luxon show him to be in lock-step with Labour on key policies. In fact, he was at pains to point out to viewers earlier in the week that he was 100% committed to the Government’s goals for climate change. Those were not the words of a conservative; it was the simpering mewling of socialist talking points. Christopher Luxon could happily co-exist inside the Labour Party and has even stated he once thought of joining them. So far his leadership has shown that his mantra for the election will be ‘Just like Labour, but less shit’.

Still there. Cartoon credit BoomSlang.

His stance during the Parliament protests, and indeed that of his whole party, was to quiver behind the skirts of Jacinda Ardern and Trevor Mallard. They refused to listen to the protestors and shook like dogs crapping razor blades when anyone mentioned that perhaps they might like to engage. Instead, they joined with the Government and hurled abuse at protestors. They were abject cowards in the face of people whose livelihoods had been destroyed by policies and actions that National voted with the Government for every single step of the way.

Did they stand up for freedom of speech? Nope. How about the provisions in the Bill of Rights that allows people to refuse medical treatment? Nope, silent as a graveyard at midnight. When our rights were being abused by a tyrannical Labour Government, National was either cheering them on or suggesting more efficient ways to deprive us of our rights.

The Goose Step. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

It seems there are no conservative heroes in the National Party anymore. They want us to vote for them on the premise that they aren’t the Red Team. That’s not a compelling argument.

This brings me to the Act Party and David Seymour. Again there was a complete abrogation of defending our rights by David Seymour, who toured the country telling everyone he was the free speech champion, yet when the rubber hit the road, he too was seen quivering behind the Ardern regime.

Act’s mantra for the past three years has been to claim, in essence, that they’d have been more efficient fascists than Ardern’s jack-booted Government. There are no conservative heroes in the Act Party, and their classical liberal credentials were sacrificed on the altar of the Covid response.

Where are our conservative heroes? Let’s face it, there are none. Certainly not in those parties that claim to be ‘right wing’. Any fair assessment of where National and Act sit on the political spectrum is that National is now a left-wing party, and Act a centre-left party. They are nowhere near where functional idiots like Martyn Bradbury and other drongos in the media say they are: the hard right. They have a soft, pink belly that they are going to insist we all give a tummy rub to during the election campaign.

Just remember that the people who closed your business, destroyed your career, and wrecked your finances are the very same people who are now out there begging for your votes.

Our entire country has been emasculated, businesses cave to bullies on social media, anyone who stands strong is attacked, maligned, denigrated and abused. New Zealand used to have a reputation as a tough nation with a can do attitude. We used to celebrate rugby players continuing on playing with a torn scrotum, or a gouged eye. We all celebrated in the very first Rugby World Cup final when one of the players laid out a French player who was causing problems at the line out.

Now, we celebrate no hopers who played three tests a decade ago coming out as a shirt-lifter, and equally useless players wearing rainbow boots. It’s pathetic.

Conservatism has been smothered by weak, pathetic streaks of mobile misery, caterwauling about how offended they all are. No one cares, but we lack some strong conservatives to tell these whining ninnies loudly that no one cares and that they should all shut up.

Look at the recent Auckland floods. People literally sat there watching the water rise and are angry at politicians for not telling them what to do. How weak, pathetic and disabling is that? Three years of Ardern’s nanny state has disabled the can-do attitude of Kiwis.

Where are our conservative heroes? Missing in action is where. Where is our Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher?

We need conservative heroes to start stamping their feet, pounding the lecterns and shouting ‘Hell No!’ at every ludicrous and stupid suggestion that the soft-bellied liberals keep on suggesting.

Hell No! to the climate scam.

Hell No! to Three Waters.

Hell No! to the abrogation of our Bill of Rights.

Hell No! to the book burners, boycotters, banners and bed wetters.

Hell No! to those seeking to destroy kids with chemicals and surgery.

Hell No! to racist and divisive policies, that prefer one race over all others.

Hell No! to the UN and WEF and any other globalist cause.

Hell No! to big government.

Where are our conservative heroes? Your voters await you.

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