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Just a reminder of the company he keeps. The BFD.

Talk about more front that Myers: despite notching up the lowest vote in a century, Anthony “Mr 30%” Albanese is claiming a “clear mandate” to “change Australia”. And he’s getting right to it, signalling an attempt to foist at least two fundamental constitutional changes on the nation.

Indeed, there’s a sense of almost indecent haste hanging over Albanese’s government. After, all, he broke his party’s own rules to get himself sworn in just two days after the election, so he could scurry off to try and grab some attention on the world stage at the Quad meeting.

Now he is pushing a Republic although he previously promised not to canvas the issue until a second term.

It’s almost as if he knows he’s going to be the first one-termer in a 100 years, too.

So, Albanese is going hell-for-leather to force through the elites’ two grand dream schemes.

Anthony Albanese has raised eyebrows by appointing an ‘assistant minister for the republic’, raising the prospect of Australia ditching the Queen as head of state.

The newly-elected prime minister chose senior Labor figure Matt Thistlethwaite, 51, to take control of the unusual portfolio but details about what the Sydney MP will actually do in the role remain unclear.

Mr Albanese has previously described Australia becoming a republic as ‘inevitable’ but did not mention the issue during his six-week election campaign.

Well, chalk that up to the list of, well, nearly everything that Albanese didn’t mention during the election campaign. There’s small targets and then there’s invisible men.

The shock move just two days before her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, was welcomed by the Australian Republic Movement, which campaigns for an Australian head of state.

But others called the decision ‘sad and reckless’.

If you want to understand just how out-of-touch and elitist the Republican movement really is, just look at the people running it.

‘WE ARE ON OUR WAY!’ tweeted prominent republican and author Peter FitzSimons.

Yep, a multi-millionaire, harbourside-mansion-dwelling lefty-luvvy claiming someone else is “unrepresentative” of Australia. Who are his sidekicks in the ARM? Let’s see… CEOs, financiers, senior public servants, politicians — and, of course, Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s richest-ever PM.

Not exactly the salt-of-the-earth types.

Jack Barton, from the University of Queensland Monarchists League called it a slap in the face to those Down Under loyal to Queen Elizabeth.

‘I think it’s absolutely ridiculous, it’s come at the worst possible time with an utter show of disrespect to the Queen and the Crown.

‘Labor has a disregard for any of the people in Australia who want to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.’

But that’s not the only massive constitutional change Albanese is trying to push onto Australia.

In another shake-up, Mr Albanese has promised a referendum on giving Aboriginal Australians an institutional role in policymaking that would be amended into the constitution.

Daily Mail

Note that: in the constitution and institutional role in policymaking. Yet, the “Voice” proponents have the cheek to try and hoodwink us that it won’t be an effective third chamber of parliament — an entirely race-based one.

Because there’s a word for a system of government that constitutionally separates citizens, based on race.



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