Hobson’s Pledge Trust
Six weeks ago, when the leaders of both the National and ACT parties drew attention to a Government-commissioned plan, titled He Puapua, to establish two governments in New Zealand by 2040, one for Maori and one for everyone else, there was name-calling and side-stepping.
After a few days of media commotion, Maori Development Minister Willie Jackson told Radio New Zealand on May 5 that he had prepared a draft Cabinet paper outlining a possible Government response to the He Puapua report. See Draft Cabinet paper
Since then, there has been not a word.
Although the plan was presented as a way to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, He Puapua goes far beyond anything stated in the Declaration’s 46 articles.
Meanwhile, it looks like the administration of the He Puapua prescription, of additional separatist policies and persuasion to get us to embrace a Maori identity, continues to pick up the pace.
Our petition against the segregated governments plan has picked up around 8000 signatures. If you have not done so already, click here to sign it Reject co-governance
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