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Where Is the Support for Our Police?

The BFD. Armed police pictured at a cordon at the entrance to Ormsby Lane in the Kaimai Ranges, west of Tauranga. Photo / Alan Gibson Source: NZ Herald

Chris Baillie
ACT Police spokesperson

Our Police officers are being confronted by increasingly dangerous situations thanks to this soft on crime Government and they feel like the Government doesn’t have their back.

Last night a Police officer in Hamilton was shot at and at the weekend an officer was shot.

It’s no wonder when gang numbers have increased by 50 per cent under Jacinda Adern’s Government.

As a former Police officer, I know first-hand the dangerous situations officers face and in recent times it’s become much worse.

Frontline Police I’ve spoken to feel there’s no support for them from Government. The officers I spoke with didn’t even know who the Police Minister was because she’s been so quiet about the issues officers face.

It’s time for Government to make it clear it’s the Police they support, not the gangs who deal drugs, shoot at Police and cause misery in our communities.

Law abiding firearms owners have handed over their guns, but the gangs were never going to. Money has been handed to the Mob for drug rehabilitation, but Police recruitment has been paused.

We still haven’t met the new 1800 new Police target we were promised.

I’m calling on Police Minister Poto Williams to stand up for the Police and make it clear that it’s the Police who have the Government’s support, not the gangs.

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