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boys green crew-neck shirt
Photo by CDC

Guy David Hatchard
Research by Nadine Connock



The government has to face up to the lack of effectiveness and safety of the Pfizer vaccine. It has to come clean with the public. Historically drugs are pulled off the market after 50 associated deaths. In little NZ we are in the hundreds and counting.

Recent data from the UK suggests that the vaccinated population is increasingly vulnerable, in fact becoming more vulnerable than the unvaccinated. In short, studies show that everything around the world is getting worse, not better as vaccination rates get higher.

For how long do you need to flog a dead horse before realising that there are other transport options available? Those at highest risk of dying from Covid-19 are also at highest risk of dying from the Covid vaccine. Yet our government and the Ministry of Health has not conducted a single safety review aimed at identifying those at risk and putting in place mitigation. Quite the reverse, those at great risk including those suffering a severe adverse reaction after the first shot are almost universally being refused an exemption, despite the recommendation of their doctors. Nor have the government offered alternatives to those at risk such as regular testing.

Meanwhile, the government has been giving away frivolous inducements to vaccinate such as cash payments, snacks and other more enticing rewards. While you only get at most six months’ worth of rapidly decreasing protection from the Covid shot, each injection will cause damage for 15 months as your body continuously produces toxic spike protein. The spike protein is responsible for Covid-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few.

Sensitivity to adverse effects increases after each vaccination. In contrast, natural immunity from prior infection is long lasting. Vaccination is not a stand alone strategy, adequate early treatment protocols and preventive measures are essential. Importantly the arguments in favour of Covid-19 vaccination safety and effectiveness for the young do not stack up. Vaccination is causing severe heart damage in younger people whose risk of dying from Covid is inconsequential as we have argued elsewhere.

Children aged 12 to 17 are five times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid vaccine-induced myocarditis than they are to be hospitalised for Covid-19 infection. In 2017 the background rate of myocarditis was 4 per million children. The current rate in the USA is over 200 per million. The proposed vaccine rollout for 5-11-year-olds in NZ is unnecessary and dangerous. Vaccination is all risks and no benefit for them.

We are not seeing a single pause in the government’s advertising narrative or in media reports that the vaccine is absolutely safe. Chris Hipkins and Jacinda Ardern have expressed ‘loss of patience’ with those clinging to vaccine hesitancy. They have hinted at more stringent measures to come. More stringent than loss of profession and freedom of movement? They have affirmed that they see a booster treadmill stretching into future years, a treadmill that current figures indicate will be at shorter and shorter intervals with increasing incidence of more serious adverse effects.

Follow the Science. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Conclusion: What does this tell us about our government?

The preferred narrative of our government has diverged from science towards futuristic political ideology. Their perceptions about future directions of public health appear to be fundamentally governed by biologic genetic technologies. They and previous governments have over many years directed massive funding in this direction. These ‘visions’ might include microbial food, gene altered medicine, vaccination for every condition, compulsion or exclusion of the non-compliant, gene-altered intensive horticulture and agriculture.

This vision is not supported by current science, it is a brave new world vision. Prestigious researchers and scientists striking cautious notes worldwide have been completely thrust aside during the mayhem of Covid-19. The rush to a new world health order has carried our government beyond the limits of reliable science into science fiction. They appear to be crusading out of touch with realistically attainable goals. To pursue this end, they have shown themselves prepared to alienate and impoverish large sections of the public. Including many previously contributing a wealth of professional experience and expertise.

More than this, they have executed a system of morality more usual to dire warfare, where the deaths of some are weighed against that of others. Their approach is no longer acceptable, ethical, or scientifically supported. The government and the opposition need to take stock honestly, listen to a broader range of advice without an expectation of approval. They need to admit mistakes and revert to an open public dialogue.

A government that consistently distorts and misrepresents information cannot sustain national integrity and progress. The programme to vaccinate the youth must end. They need to reverse the mandates and offer compensation for those financially affected. They need to pay attention to the health and well being of those who have been vaccine injured. It will take courage to do this, but if it is not done now, matters can only get worse and more difficult to correct.
