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November 9th, 2021.

The view from afar of my country is changing rapidly. Gone is the egalitarian, socially responsible country where differences could be worked out by discussions, negotiations and the ballot box. The implementation of MMP helped to put a stop to that by granting minority parties unprecedented negotiation leverage, resulting in minorities having an undue influence on the majority.

Whether by accident or design there is a rift being driven through New Zealand society. I can see that the law of unintended consequences will come into play once some of the policies implemented by the Ardern government prove difficult to reverse. She has planted the He Puapua seeds that will grow into resentment of the Maori minority.

In pursuing an independent foreign policy, she is aligning New Zealand more and more with China. If she pursues participation in the belt and road initiative she will saddle New Zealand with dangerous levels of long-term debt and a loss of influence in Western organisations. Not for nothing is the country becoming known as New Xi-Land.

I have been marooned in the UK for 18 months now and, because of the vagaries of the MIQ system, I am unable to get a place in quarantine despite being triple jabbed and having had negative tests.

I have been consulting with an organisation that wants to set up a back-office in New Xi-Land to administer its accounting, finance and quoting operations. It was forecasting new jobs in NZ for 25 staff in year one, rising to close on 100 in year four. This has been shelved due to Covid and because of the political climate in NZ. To be blunt, they don’t trust the Labour Government to be business-friendly in the future.

They are also reading adverse comments in the UK media about Jacinda Ardern and are spooked by her. Of particular notice was her treatment of the reporters at the press conference in Kawakawa. The petulance on display was extremely off-putting to businesspeople that like certainty.

She was even name checked in the House of Lords last week when Baroness Claire Fox said “When Jacinda Ardern, the New Zealand prime minister smirked as she said that vaccine passes would mean two classes in her country, and I was chilled by that. I realise such open discrimination is the new normal much closer to home”

Social media in the UK has seen a huge swing in the public’s opinion of Jacinda Ardern and because of her dictatorial and divisive policies; she is close to being reviled. Her international reputation has been shattered and coupled with her stance on issues being at odds with traditional allies, she is running out of international political capital.

The overwhelming impression in the UK is that NZ needs a vision of where it is going as a country as it is just drifting towards a divided society.
Image credit The BFD.

The clips we see on social media and the TV, show Jacinda Ardern displaying all the symptoms of severe stress, and her body language is a worry. She often speaks through her hands or with her fingers stroking her chin and covering her mouth. If I were a behavioural expert and not a finance and economic specialist, I would seriously be recommending that she has a full psych eval, for her own health as much as the country’s health. (With my economist’s hat on, the country is close to being ruined.)

I can see creative solutions being put forward to increase mobility during the lockdowns. In order to increase movement between the Waikato and the south through to Northland, I propose that there is a convoy system put in place. Travellers wishing to transit via Auckland will be marshalled into convoys and then escorted through Auckland to its northern boundary (or vice versa). In order to achieve compliance, they will be accompanied. Originally it was suggested that this was to be carried out by the police, but it would be better if it were done by volunteers from the Mongrel Mob. This would be more effective in achieving compliance. They would be identified by their government-issue brown shirts with a patch on the back.

Talking of compliance, it has been suggested that vaccination refusers be accommodated in re-education camps where they would be taught the benefits of vaccination until such time as they comply – for the good of society as a whole of course. They could be fashioned along the lines of the Uighur camps in China, bringing New Xi-Land into closer cultural alignment with our friends in the CCP.

If the residents of the camp still refused to comply, they could be identified by an inverted black triangle being sewn onto their clothes before being allowed to re-enter normal society.

Perhaps I allowed myself to be carried away a little there, but I will finish by leaving you with this quote.

If you allow the government to break the law in an emergency, the government will create emergencies to break the law.

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