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The BFD. EMMA CALLAGHAN/SUPPLIED The controversial artwork by Andrew Thorpe in Takaka, before it was defaced.

Desperately seeking their fifteen-minute share of fame, two confused shouty-people are woe begotten, poor things, after their masterpiece was “defaced” by an unknown, but public-spirited, artwork-corrector in the hippy-hangout of Takaka, in Golden Bay.


The pair’s nitwittery is on full display in the article in which they claim they simply “want a conversation” after installing their piffle-esque piece of provocation, designed to denigrate, on a fence facing Commercial St, outside a premises whose owner assures us all that “art is meant to provoke a reaction”.

Well; they got their “conversation”, they got their “reaction”, so where’s the problem? Far from ‘defaced’ methinks our nocturnal editor improved the piece, elevating it from the mere and bleak, spite-addled, banality it was to a discrete, thought-provoking, repartee; a condescension towards the original artist’s intellectual meander and the shortcomings thereof.

The BFD. NINA HINDMARSH/STUFF Emma Callaghan, half Jamaican London-born living in Golden Bay and raising awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement, and Andrew Thorpe, the London-based artist who painted the artwork in Takaka.

Called “White Silence is Compliance” the (extremely unoriginal) work alluded to, I think, our globe’s minority of melanin-deficient, or those of generally Western Euro-Asian descent. Both of the cry-baby creators hail from London, one arriving in God’s Own Country just recently, but evidently so moved by Takaka’s rampant racism he felt obliged to rail against it with all the bluster his borrowed and boring slogan could excite.

Well known as a magnet for the work-averse it’s encouraging to see at least one of the Takaka townsfolk prepared to join said public conversation and has, by taking away, added to it.

Good on you, whoever you are.

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