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Who Benefits from the NZ First ‘Scandal’?

Have you ever noticed that around the time this Government is pushing a particular political direction such as changes to tenancy law for example, that the Media Party co-incidentally publishes a rash of bad landlord stories in a bid to support them?

While some may think that the NZ First story may have been seeded to the media by National Party operatives it is just as logical to conclude that it was seeded by Labour party operatives. Surprised? Hear me out.

Media want us to believe that National are white-anting NZ First to take them out of the game next election, hoping to drive their support below 5%. In answer to the question, ‘Who benefits?’, some will swallow that idea hook, line and sinker because after all many believe that Simon Bridges should publicly state that National won’t form a coalition with NZ First.

If we look closely at the other stories written by the Media Party after the scandal story broke, what political direction have they been hard out pushing? Yes, that’s right, they have used the NZ First story as an excuse to raise a discussion about State funding of political parties. Cui Bono? Who will benefit most from State funding of political parties? Hmm…
