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Who Will Own the Coastline?


In 2009 the John Key National-led Government stripped away Crown ownership of the coastline to make it easier for Maori to make claims.

The tribal ownership of New Zealand by 2040, indicated in the He Puapua document, was a concerning issue leading into the election. The economy, education, crime, health, and business had been decimated by an inept and Marxist Labour Government. New Zealand’s depressing statistics in these areas can be turned around with a lot of work, good policies, and sound leadership. The deliberate division being engineered along racial lines, however, will be much, much harder if not impossible to reverse.

There is no time to waste.

You only need look at the way the Department of Internal Affairs officials were caught secretly signing up to Three Waters deals even after the election to make it harder for the new Government to unwind Nanaia Mahuta’s toxic policies. It’s that sort of skulduggery we need to ensure does not fend off even the best intentions in the new Government.

Jordan Williams of the Taxpayers Union, on 27TH November 2023

There was no mandate for a takeover of the country by some Maori. No permission was sought to set up a separate Maori Health Authority, or co-governance of public services or to change the country’s name. The belief in freedom and the equality of our democracy, in which each person is entitled to vote and take part in decisions, was ignored.

With the sudden emergence into political life of the revolutionary report He Puapua, it is clear New Zealanders are at a crossroads. We will have to decide whether we want our future to be that of an ethno–nationalist state or a democratic–nationalist one.

Elizabeth Rata, currently at Auckland University.

These actions were taking place whether we liked it or not. Paying no attention to one vote for each New Zealander was a source of great concern for many conservative Kiwis. What would the parties standing for election do about these issues? What would they say about the 600 Waitangi tribunal claims by Maori tribes for ownership of the coastline of this country? A party’s manifesto promising to address this racial divide became a personal bottom line in the recent election. Not surprisingly, New Zealand saw many change their usual allegiance to another party.

The new coalition agreements have been signed and give us hope for the first time in years. Many of the Maori activists’ undemocratic gains have been either abolished or halted, but not all.

Dr Muriel Newman, NZCPR (New Zealand Centre for Political Research) is delighted with this news.

Firstly, He Puapua. The NZCPR discovered it, analysed it, warned the country about its divisive and destructive effects – and now, we are thrilled to say, it’s finally going to be tossed into the dustbin of history. The National-New Zealand First Coalition Agreement specifically states, “Stop all work on He Puapua”.

The He Puapua blueprint for tribal control of New Zealand by 2040 was developed by the Ardern Government under the pretence it was required to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In truth it was nothing more than a radical attempt by elite Maori to seize political control of the country.  

Even now, Labour – along with the Greens and the Maori Party – are continuing to promote iwi control of New Zealand. All three have become so extreme in their demands, that they are threatening insurrection if the new government attempts to restore democracy and equality before the law.

To eliminate all vestiges of He Puapua from the State Sector, everyone responsible for progressing the tribal coup, should be given their marching orders…[..]

With New Zealand First’s Coalition agreement stating: “The Coalition Government does not recognise the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as having any binding legal effect on New Zealand” and David Seymour’s on-going call for the abolition of the radicalised Human Rights Commission, ACT now has a mandate to do just that through their regulatory review work programme, which aims to reduce wasteful spending across the public sector.                                                                                    

NZCPR 29 November 23

One area that still needs attention is the clash of public access and public ownership of the coastal areas of New Zealand. Over the years there have been fierce challenges and even a hikoi to protest for Maori rights and privileges to the coastline.

In 2011 John Key replaced the Foreshore and Seabed Act with the Marine and Coastal Area Act (Takutai Moana) which stripped away Crown ownership, opening up the way for Maori to claim ownership. The new law replaced Crown ownership of the foreshore and seabed with a ‘no ownership’ regime and restored the right of iwi to seek customary rights and title in court. He made it easier.

A significant first battle of this new coalition is already in the news. One of the results of the coalition agreement is the Government will pass a law overturning that part of the Court of Appeal judgment and restore the previous, tougher criteria for customary title. Deputy Prime Minister and New Zealand First leader Winston Peters, it seems won support from National and Act in coalition talks to legislate against the judgement. See here:  Foreshore and seabed – Govt set to overturn Court of Appeal judgment (

Tuku Morgan, a former Maori MP, however, is fired up in an interview on the TV Breakfast show. He is angry the new coalition is overturning or halting issues for Maori. He says Maori have $70B and his iwi have $2B. They have the means and are sophisticated and organised. Mr Morgan emphasizes that Maori will not roll over to this new Government. He calls the three parties’ coalition agreement despicable and unacceptable to Maoridom. He sees it as an attack on his people and the Treaty of Waitangi. He says he is mobilising a plan of action and will fight this action on social media, in the courts, in the streets and on every platform available to their people.

Julian Batchelor, on the other hand, also has financial backing to ‘fight’ any legal cases where the MSM has defamed him and his STOP Co Governance movement. He writes:

There is a large, growing, and hugely committed team of us who are executing a speaking tour of New Zealand. We started in mid-January 2023. The purpose of the tour is to raise awareness of the danger of co-governance, and to gather political support to stop it.

Many Kiwis are relieved with the content of the three-party coalition agreements. A member of the public recently said: “Don’t mess it up, guys.”

Especially with New Zealand’s magnificent and accessible coastlines!
