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Who Would Have Thought “Defund the Police” Would Lead to This?

Antifa peacefully celebrate Joe Biden’s victory. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Now that the left have won back the White House, one way or another, surely that means that the rampaging leftist mobs, oops, “mostly peaceful protesters”, will stop peacefully smashing and looting businesses and non-violently burning whole districts. Not to mention tranquilly shooting, beating and raping hundreds of people.

But, if there’s anything one needs to know about the left, it’s that they’re never satisfied. There is never a point where the left will say, “OK, lads, we’ve done it! Time to go home and catch up on MAFS”. On the contrary, every inch ceded only encourages them to shout and scream and stamp their feet for the next mile.

Besides, like all “revolutionaries”, a goodly slice of them just get their jollies off on inflicting mayhem.

On Saturday night, a mob of antifa rioters ravaged the Pearl District of Portland, smashing windows and spray-painting anti-police messages on businesses, including a Safeway, a Starbucks, and a Chipotle, among others. Police resources to deal with the riot had been strained by multiple shootings in the city that same evening.

Well, that’s odd. Portland is the epicentre of the “defund police” movement. Surely all those social workers in lieu of cops have made crime a distant memory, by now? Just ignore all those shootings.

The Portland Police Bureau (PPB) explained that few officers were available to deal with the rioters due to multiple shootings across the city.

“Police response was constrained by multiple shooting incidents happening across the city, limiting the officers available to address the criminal behavior in the protest. Still, officers responded to the criminal behavior and made two arrests. Items that could be used as weapons were seized, including a large bat,” PPB reported in a news release.

The left-wing lunacy of Portland’s governing elite was on full display.

The news release went on to explain that “while tear gas use is currently restricted, state law requires that warning be given.”

In other words, Portland’s laws require that police warn rioters that officers may use tear gas against them, even though Portland’s current regulations prevent the use of tear gas.

But golly, how could one of America’s major cities have come to such a pass?

Last June, the Portland City Council voted to cut at least $15 million from the police budget, eliminating 84 positions.

On February 27, when police faced three separate shootings and a violent antifa riot, the department’s resources were stretched too thin to protect private property and keep the peace in the Pearl District, where Mayor Ted Wheeler once lived before antifa pushed him out. The Black Lives Matter movement demanded the defunding of police, and Portland complied. As a result, antifa violence has gotten worse, not better.

PJ Media

To paraphrase that great American statesman, John Kerry, they’re uh…well, they’re not supposed to do that…

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