An American political commenter acquaintance has repeatedly told me that the single biggest, almost sole, issue for the American left in this election is abortion. “Democrats will give anything to be able to kill babies,” she says. If that sounds like weird, right-to-lifer propaganda to you, consider that the highlight of the recent Democratic National Convention was mobile abortion vans. That’s right, the Dems were handing out scrape jobs like ice cream. No word on whether the cruisin’ hoovers played a jaunty version of “Greensleeves”, or not, or if it had a handy coathanger aerial.
Dems just love them some baby-killing. Forget “safe, legal and rare” (the Clintonian catchphrase), the Democrats are all for ‘lots, loud and proud’. And don’t buy the lie about “these are difficult choices for women”. These are people who scrape for social media clout by happily bragging about flushing some inconvenient nascent sprog down the toilet.
Why are Democrats so unfazed by killing babies? For the same reason they’re so hot for killing old people and the disabled.
Which also happens to be the same reason they were so hot for slavery, back in the day.
Because unborn babies today, like the vintage farm equipment of yore, are the Democrats’ untermenschen. Unborn children are – as any pro-abortionist will tell you – not human beings.
This was also the pro-slavery argument explicitly put forth in the notorious Dred Scott v Sandford decision of 1857. Slavery, the Supreme Court ruled, was constitutional because blacks were not fully human. They were untermenschen, to use a phrase which became notorious in the early 20th century.
The way American politics, and especially its constitution, conditions ideological discourse is similar in both cases. The Democrats, old and new, are not accidentally but constitutionally and psychologically aligned on slavery and abortion.
Constitutionally, the right to an abortion had to be secured in the same way as the right to traffic slaves. Roe v Wade never escaped the legacy of Dred Scott. They were cut from the same cloth […]
Psychologically, the similarities are as numerous as they are disconcerting. Contemporary Democrats use a logic about abortion that their Southern ancestors would have understood about race: “The unborn, like the enslaved, are not fully human; we decide their fate. A fetus and an enslaved person are not rights-bearing entities.”
Which begs the question: who’s next? Who will be the next group that the Democrats decide are not fully human? Untermenschen, in a word.
The very word should give you a clue. If that’s not obvious enough, consider the vast numbers of Democrat politicians and voters proudly supporting Hamas. Note that a popular senator in a battleground state, who happened to be Jewish, was passed over as Kamala Harris’ running mate, for the obvious reason that it would have enraged the ‘anti-Zionist’ wing of the Democrats.
Consider the thousands of ‘pro-Palestine’ leftists who besieged the Democratic National Convention anyway, screaming hate at the Jewish state, and demanding ‘global intifada’.
American Jews, I’d start packing if I were you.