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Why Are Our Taxes Funding Systemic Racism at the ABC?

It’s a veritable Klan klonverse on Sydney harbour.

A staff meeting at the ABC. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As if Australian taxpayers needed another excuse to demand the defunding of the ABC, a new and hilarious one has landed on its managing director’s desk.

It turns out that the taxpayer-funded left-wing propaganda outfit ‘national broadcaster’, for all its woke posturing, is in fact a hotbed of disgusting racism.

Well, far be it for my taxes to fund a systematically racist (its own words) toxic outfit.

ABC staff have been subjected to systemic racism including racial slurs, derogatory and offensive comments about their appearance, stereotyping and being mistaken for someone else because of their racial appearance, an explosive new report has found.

Managing director David Anderson issued an apology to employees – both past and present – who experienced racism after the taxpayer-funded broadcaster released its independent racism review on Tuesday, 17 months after it was first announced.

I, for one, am shocked, shocked, that my taxes are funding a veritable KKK klonverse deep in the heart of harbourside Sydney. What does the Imperial Wizard managing director have to say for himself?

He said anti-racism training will be rolled out at the ABC.

Not good enough. As a self-acknowledging systemic racist organisation, nothing less than total defunding and disbandment should be tolerated. Certainly not a load of kumbaya bullshit like this guff:

The ABC has implemented 15 recommendations including that all staff read the report, the ABC commit to being proactively anti-racist, improve diverse representation at management level and better understand lived experiences by staff to help with storytelling and create culturally-safe support systems […]

“We are a workplace that values respect, and we expect it.”

Clearly not, by your own admission.

The irony is that this ‘anti-racism’ review was kicked off by one of the ABC’s most notorious race-baiters.

Mr Anderson announced a racism review on May 21 last year following the fallout involving former Indigenous ABC host Stan Grant, a Wiradjuri, Dharawal and Gurrawin man, who said he had been subject to “sickening behaviour” over his coverage prior to King Charles III’s coronation.

No, Australians were sickened by his behaviour in using one of the most consequential events of a generation to bash his own, grievance-mongering soapbox. Grant, like so many other ‘journalists’ at the ABC, long ago ditched journalism for activism. Just as he has apparently ditched his Australian identity: a ‘Wiradjuri, Dharawal and Gurrawin man’? Everything but ‘Australian’.

But Stan ‘the Tan’ is nothing if not a thoroughgoing whinger.

Grant said at the time he felt unsupported by his employer.

“No one at the ABC – whose producers invited me onto their coronation coverage as a guest – has uttered one word of public support.

And why should they? He chose to belittle Australia’s head of state during a solemn occasion, and Australian taxpayers – who fund his lavish lifestyle – rightly took umbrage.

If you can’t stand the heat, sunshine, then stay in the tanning booth and keep your overpaid yap shut.

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