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Why Are Our Taxes Still Funding This?

UNRWA employees took part in October 7 – yet our taxes are still funding them.

Go together like a camel and a scimitar. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Why are Australia and New Zealand still funding an organisation complicit in the October 7 atrocities?

The United Nations said Monday it has fired additional staff members from its agency for Palestinian refugees after an internal investigation found they may have been involved in the Hamas-led Oct 7 attack against Israel.

If the deeply corrupt UN’s own investigation admits it, then it’s not only true, but almost certainly just the tip of the iceberg. These are just the nine who are so obviously, abhorrently, anti-Semitic that not even the UN can cover for them.

There are almost certainly hundreds more.

UNRWA previously fired 12 staffers and put seven staffers on administrative leave without pay over the claims. The group of nine staffers the UN announced it had fired Monday includes some from each group, said Juliette Touma, communications director for UNRWA.

The UN did not clarify how many have now been fired from the agency in total.

And October 7 was just the pointy end of what has been a well-known pattern of hateful anti-Semitic riddling the organisation and its long history of collaborating with Hamas.

So, why are we still funding them?

Oren Marmorstein, the spokesperson for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, wrote on X following the announcement of the firings that Israel was again calling for donor countries to suspend funding “as the funds may go to terrorist elements.”

“UNRWA is part of the problem and not part of the solution, and anyone who seeks the best interests of Israel, the Gaza Strip and the region should act to replace UNWRA’s activities with other agencies,” he wrote.

Well, that explains it: the Albanese government’s overriding priority is, as has been shown by its actions (or lack thereof) since October 7, not in the best interests of Israel.

At least opposition leader Peter Dutton isn’t willing to sell his party’s soul to Western Sydney for a few cheap votes.

Peter Dutton has called on the Albanese government to reconsider its funding of UNRWA following revelations nine staff were alleged to be involved in the October 7 tragedy […]

In January, Australia had paused $6m in funding to the agency in the wake of similar serious allegations, which also resulted in UNRWA staff dismissals.

And, as soon as they thought they could get away with it, they started funnelling taxpayers’ money right back into the corrupt, terrorist-enabling, agency.

Dutton is also calling out the UN’s lies.

The Opposition Leader said the latest announcement was a very significant revelation and not one that would come as a surprise to many people.

“We were given assurances upfront that nobody was involved in the October 7 atrocities and this is a complete breach of faith. I think people are rightly angry because we’re talking about taxpayers’ dollars here,” Mr Dutton said.

“It should cause the Albanese government to reconsider their involvement, their engagement, their funding of UNRWA. It’s completely and utterly unacceptable that UN agency employees are alleged to have been involved in the October 7 tragedy.

“I’d like to see more information as I think more Australians would because Australian taxpayers dollars are being given to these organisations with the understanding that they are going to provide aid and support to people who are in need,” he said.

“If that turns out not to be the case, I think the government really has a lot to answer to here and we’ve called for them before not to provide funding to this organisation but they've chosen to go with their own bad judgment.”

And we all know what that’s worth.

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