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Why Are Silver Fern Farms & Alliance Taking the Wage Subsidy?

The wage subsidy offered to businesses to keep employees is being used by all sorts of businesses in essential industries. As we saw with New World public pressure makes them withdraw claims or pay them back.

At a time when every business owner who is not in an essential industry is taking an absolute bath, it is disgraceful that essential industries are taking the subsidy. Meat Works are an essential industry and are able to keep processing. So why are Alliance & Silver Fern Farms taking the subsidy?

They are even boasting about how hard they’ve worked during the lockdown:

We need to treat these companies like we treated the supermarkets. With contempt. Force them to pay the money back through public pressure.

If you are a small business owner annoyed with these big essential industries using taxpayer money when they are still working go to their Facebook Pages & Twitter Accounts and put up something like:

“I’m a small business owner and I have had to shut down for five weeks. You have been allowed to continue to work, and you have chosen to take the wage subsidy. This is wrong. Pay it back.”


“I’m a small business owner and my business is ruined by Covid-19. You are taking advantage of New Zealanders by taking a wage subsidy when you are still trading.”

Use these words or something similar and go to:

Or email them at:

Alliance have a PR bullshit artist so send the message here:

Even if you don’t have a small business please tell these companies taking a wage subsidy is wrong and they should pay it back.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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