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Sky News is threatening the left-media hegemony. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As you may know, The BFD and its loyal readership have put a tremendous effort into making New Zealand’s leading source of centre-right news and opinion cancel-proof. As MediaBiasNZ shows, of 15 major media sites in NZ, only The BFD and Kiwiblog provide a centre or right-of-centre perspective.

The BFD is essentially a lone voice in a left-wing cacophony of media bias.

But the left doesn’t want even a lone voice: they want complete compliance. It’s an echo chamber or nothing.

And they will do anything to shut out dissenting voices. Independent journalist Tim Pool recently reported that leading left-wing media outlets like CNN were calling for new media companies like Substack to be de-platformed.

The left-wing media are terrified of anyone getting big enough to challenge their stranglehold on the public sphere. And their Big Tech cronies are happy to comply

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended by YouTube following a review of old videos published to the channel.

The ostensible excuse – “Covid policies” – are an obvious fig-leaf.

The one-week suspension by YouTube follows a review of content for compliance with YouTube’s policies on COVID-19 which are subject to change in response to changes to global or local health authority guidance on the virus[…]

YouTube responded to media requests mentioning its “denial of COVID-19” policies but it later dropped that reference in future media statements.

Sky News Australia expressly rejects that any host has ever denied the existence of COVID-19 as was implied, and no such videos were ever published or removed.

It’s nothing to do with “misinformation” and everything to do with gate-keeping. The simple fact is that Sky News has the left-wing media worried. Very worried.

The Sky News Australia YouTube channel has published more than 20,000 videos over the past year.

With 1.85 million subscribers, ‘Sky News Australia’ on YouTube has 400,000 subscribers more than ABC News, and is more popular than all three of Australia’s commercial news network’s YouTube channels combined.

Sky News

Even worse for the left-media, Sky is becoming a very big deal in the digital media landscape.

A new audience engagement survey has found Sky News Australia content is consumed by more than one-third of all Australians each month with the network’s broadcast and digital reach surging.

Sky News Australia has experienced massive growth across all platforms, while its digital network has driven more than 1.3 billion views of its videos over the last 12 months[…]

The surge in growth on digital platforms has seen Sky News Australia’s audience become far more loyal and engaged across the recently relaunched website, Facebook and YouTube than key competitors including ABC News and 9News.

Even more worrying for the left-media is that Sky appeals to audiences across the political spectrum. The Guardian, the ABC, or The Conversation appeal almost exclusively to the left. Sky’s audience is evenly spread across the left, centre and right.

Sky News has the most reach across all political persuasions of online media. The BFD.
The University of Canberra’s Digital News Report for 2021 found that news consumption dropped significantly from the height of the pandemic from 69 per cent in April last year to 51 per cent in January 2021, but the Hoop Group research shows that this trend in overall news consumption was not replicated across Sky News Australia platforms. This audience has stuck around.

Sky News Australia’s Commercial Director Cat Adams said[…]“A lot of other broadcasters have lost audience in 2021.

“Our audience share has remained really strong,” Ms Adams said.

“People watched more of Sky News in 2020 and stuck around. They stayed with us and kept coming back.”

Sky News

That suggests that Sky really is sticking to its mission of providing a broad range of opinions and perspectives — and audiences across the political spectrum are liking what they see.

The left can’t allow that – so they’ll try and cancel them, instead.

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