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Why COVID-19 Vaccines Must Be Stopped

refuse vax vaccine no stop Covid health

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

In this post, we want to roll together three very recent publications that neatly overlap. They both cry foul on the sidelining of due diligence regarding the synthetic gene transfer technology masquerading as a vaccine.

In short, the dangers of the modified messenger RNA platform have been known for years with predictable and unpredictable harms.  Countries failed to apply the laws requiring assessment of new genetically engineered products.

The first article, How did our NZEPA fail to recognise that BNT162b2 [mRNA] was a GMO?, was authored by NZ academic Jodie Bruning. She looks at the Australian legal challenge against this failure, and discusses the local context and the parallel dereliction by our own Environmental Protection Agency.

She describes in detail a pattern of deliberate word salad and obfuscation to side-step crucial assessment of the covid jabs under New Zealand’s Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, as well as detailing barrister Julian Gillespie’s comprehensive challenge in Australia. He uncovers the reckless lawlessness needed to usher in the gene jabs against norms of caution and legal necessity.

This challenge will be intensely relevant to New Zealand, with our very similar supposed environmental protections. Jodie’s article, laying out the government’s actual legal obligations, could easily form the basis for a similar court action here at home.

Sometimes extremely well-written articles simplifying complex science can pop up and, like Jodie Bruning’s article, should be required reading – especially for the presiding regulators, officials and so-called lawmakers in Wellington. Here is another.

A molecular biologist who spent the last 23 years of his career as a Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Giessen in Germany, Dr Klaus Steger’s post-doctoral research focused on genetic and epigenetic regulation of human sperm. Writing for the Epoch Times in this 27 July 2023 article, he describes with clarity, the differences between naturally-occurring ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ (mRNA) and synthetic ‘modified ribonucleic acid’ (modRNA).

Whilst mRNA is frequently referred to in literature discussing the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, which are even referred to as ‘mRNA technology’, in fact, they are made using modRNA. Dr Steger discusses why, including a brief history of the way in which modRNA came to be used in experiments for reprogramming and destroying cancer cells. This was the only aim of modRNA experimentation until the Covid-19 vaccines appeared.

The mechanisms of harm are many, as we outlined in June 2022, Vaccine Injuries Part 4: Pathology – How the Vaccine Harms and December 2022, Covid-19 Vaccine Harm: Mechanisms Explained. The real life experiences of millions across the globe now living with pain and disability, or killed, due to Covid-19 vaccine injury, are explained by these mechanisms.

Dr Steger issues stark warning that the plans for future RNA-based vaccines poses ongoing risks to human health. His comprehensive article concludes that forcing healthy people to take gene-based modRNA injections being sold as “vaccines” is unethical and dangerous.

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity

Dr Michael Palmer is a German physician, chemist and medical microbiologist who held an Associate Professor position at Ontario, Canada’s University of Waterloo for 22 years until he was dismissed due to a vaccine mandate. He works tirelessly with Doctors 4 Covid Ethics (D4CE) to alert the world as to the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines.

Doctors 4 Covid Ethics recently published a book authored by Dr Palmer, available for free download, titled mRNA Vaccine Toxicity, which we share below. The intent of this book is to explain in lay terms, why the Covid-19 vaccines are toxic and the future threat this poses to human health. At the same time vaccine manufacturers turn towards RNA technology – which has proven to be such a goldrush during the Covid-19 era – for the myriad new vaccines being planned.

Every future mRNA vaccine will induce our cells to produce its own specific antigen, related to the particular microbe it targets. We must therefore expect each such vaccine to induce immunological damage on a similar scale as we have witnessed with those directed against COVID-19.

Despite the dismal conclusion, which is even more concerning when considered in conjunction with the World Health Organization’s plans, there are rays of hope. Distrust is growing amongst the public, such that it seems that There’s No Need to Ban These Vaccines. This is due at least in part to the work of the many grassroots medical and advocacy organisations who sprang into action across the globe in parallel with NZDSOS and D4CE, to alert humanity of the risks. These include, but are not limited to:

If you know of others that we have missed, please share via the replies below.

