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Why I’m Joining the Labour Party

Jacinda Ardern NZ flag

Over the years I’m been labelled by many people in politics and out. I’ve been described as far-right, a fascist, the equal of Anders Breivik, an actual Nazi (by association), a psychopath, bully, faux-Christian, a germ, and a political sadist amongst many other things. Plus that I am in league with the state security apparatus like the GCSB, the SIS and of course the Police.

I also find myself without a political home. The ACT Party has shown itself as being missing in action when it came to fighting for freedoms and rights. The National Party has become woker and woker and Christopher Luxon has revealed that he would do almost everything the same as the Labour Party, just more efficiently. The Greens are frankly barking mad, which doesn’t really leave me much choice to find a political party that aligns with my purported values.

So, I have set about finding a political party to match the beliefs others think I have.

I need a party that is far-right. I looked at the political spectrum and found that there is just a sliver of difference between being far-right and Communist. It isn’t a linear scale, it’s a circular scale.

As you can see there is scant difference between the far-right and say Stalin’s communism. Perhaps I should just flip over the top since there isn’t really a far-right political party in New Zealand.

Now that we know that there is little difference between fascism and communism it makes it easier to find a party that covers both systems.

Both communism and fascism like to create classes of people to demonise. Hitler’s fascists picked on Jews, Gypsies and other non-Aryan races. Stalin and many other communist leaders have likewise picked on Jews or, like Pol Pot, the educated intelligentsia and urban dwellers. For a political party to meet that level of demonisation I have a plethora to choose from.

The Labour Party created two classes of citizenship, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated and enacted policies to demonise and segregate people based on whether they’d done the “right thing” or not. National, ACT and the Greens agreed, but it was Labour that enacted the legislation.

Then there are the two classes of citizenship that Labour is also creating, and about time too, there are tangata whenua and tangata te tiriti. Maori versus Others. With 15% of the population getting 50% of the power, firstly in health, then over water assets and in other areas of government like roading.

A good fascist or communist always seeks to marginalise some group or another in order to project power.

Of course in order to properly subjugate people you need to control their minds. Again we need only to look at the propaganda techniques employed by both fascists and communists alike. The Soviets coined the term agitprop, and Paul Josef Goebbels was the master of propaganda.  Agitprop, an amalgam of the Russian words agitatsiya, “agitation” and propaganda, “propaganda”) refers to an intentional, vigorous promulgation of ideas.

Our Prime Minister has been very open about what she called “sustained propaganda”.

Of course, with propaganda goes the total control of media and any and all messaging. Again, our Prime Minister has been very open about whose messaging we should be listening to.

This is ticking a lot of boxes for me. Total message control, sustained propaganda, one source of “truth”. All the things a far-right fascist blogger would find dear to their heart.

You also need to develop a snitch culture where citizens inform on relatives, mates, business partners, customers, everyone…all of the time. The East Germans had the Stasi, The Nazi regime had the Gestapo, The Soviets had the NKVD, Idi Amin had the State Research Bureau, in Japan the Kenpeitai existed from 1881-1945. All good regimes have a snitch culture. Labour created snitch lines and dobbing-in websites, and also publicised those who were caught out by the snitches.

Snitch in time. Photoshopped image credit Pixy

Once you have the snitch culture working you need to develop the Police as a pure enforcement arm of the state’s goals and ambitions. In order to enforce all of that, you need a militarised Police force who do the bidding of their political masters.

We all saw how the full force of the law descended on those misguided people protesting illegally at Parliament. It was good to see the Police use nearly all means available to them to quash dissent. They used water cannons, riot shields, long batons, pepper spray, tear gas, grenade launchers, LRAD devices, bricks and other means to trample the protestors. The only thing they didn’t use was extreme prejudice with firearms. As a gun-toting Anders Breivik type of person I found that sorely missing, but I am sure it is a work in progress for the Police. At least they’ve got their black uniforms out in the open now.

Fascists and Communists love a one-party state too and under the brilliant leadership of Jacinda Ardern, this has nearly been achieved. Labour has a parliamentary majority, something we have not seen since the dying days of the Muldoon era. With this new-found power, we have seen it used to increase the polarisation of society, the creation of two classes of citizens, and the deployment of Police to enforce compliance with draconian lockdowns to keep citizens at home where they can’t cause any trouble and to suppress political opposition and protest.

The final thing that a good fascist/communist needs is a cult of personality. Jacinda Ardern makes Helen Clark and John Key look like rank amateurs. She’s developed Labour’s cult of personality particularly well, in line with the likes of Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung and even the Kim dynasty in North Korea.

We’ve seen posters, projections, books, children’s books, surrounding herself with young children, tea towels, carpets, birthday cakes, magazine cover after cover after cover after cover, and t-shirts. All standard stuff for the cult of personality.

As you see, there isn’t much difference between fascism and communism, and all the things I’ve been describing are provided by just one party, the Labour Party, and that is why I’ve decided that if you can’t beat them you should join them.

I feel like I’ve finally found a political party I can call home. There isn’t really much difference between fascism and communism. Both systems reward party loyalty, so I’m building my credentials now.

That’s why I joined the Labour Party. You should too! Make this your treat for April 1. Just do it!

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