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Why None of the Above Is a Better Option

Yesterday I wrote about why we must never forget what the elites, politicians, media, academics and others did to us during the pandemic. Today I will tell you why voting for ‘None of the Above’ is a better option.

When I say “none of the above”, what I mean is to not vote for any politician or any party currently in the parliament. That means saying no to the tyrant‘s Ardernist regime, saying no to Christopher Luxon‘s National party, No to David Seymour‘s ACT party, No to the Greens and No to the Maori Party.

Like saying no to masks, vaccines, and mandates you must stand your ground. You must not succumb to the weakness of holding one’s nose. All you will be doing if you do that is electing a fascist wearing a different coloured rosette. They deserve nothing but derision and denial.

You take away their power by refusing to vote for them. You take away their voice by ceasing to follow them on social media. You take away their money by refusing to renew your membership or cancelling your donations. Give them nothing.

What is needed is a profound and utter destruction of the political system. We need the hegemony of the main parties to be wrecked. Only then will they start to listen. We have the power, not they.

When politicians are given unfettered power bad things happen, either by design, as we have seen during the pandemic, or through unintended consequences.

Robert Muldoon was a bully, a drunk and a tyrant. With unfettered power he almost destroyed the economy. Roger Douglas had unfettered power and made vast and radical changes to the economy, some of which were necessary but most of which caused a great deal of pain in a very short space of time.

Jim Bolger’s unfettered power saw the destruction of unions to the point where they are inbred, exhibiting signs of feebleness, ineffectiveness and toothlessness. After MMP came into effect there was now a bulwark against that unfettered power. For Bolger that bulwark was Winston Peters.

For Helen Clark it was the disparate ragtag Alliance firstly, then Winston Peters.

For John Key, it was Peter Dunne, the Maori Party and the Act Party.

The tyrant Jacinda Ardern had her tyrannical tendencies mitigated by the handbrake Winston Peters. When that impediment was removed she took that unfettered power and set about trampling, literally, over our rights and freedoms, and deploying an economic wrecking ball the effects of which will be felt for generations to come.

The tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, has claimed that her actions have saved 5000 lives, which no media have queried. After all, remember, it was claimed that if they didn’t lock us all down 80,000 would die. Not a single person in the media has asked how she can claim she saved 5000 lives when she said 80,000 would die. That is some discrepancy.

But in order to save those 5000 lives, even if that number were true, she impoverished the nation to the tune of $100 billion. That’s $20 million per life.

NZTA, or Waka Kotahi in the newspeak, have created a nice valuation of what a life is worth. It’s how they measure whether it is worthwhile making roading improvements.

New Zealand’s current VOSL aligns with the European approach, with a WTP-based VOSL based on a SP survey study. The current VOSL is NZ$3.95 million at June 2014 prices, and value of life quality lost due to a serious injury set at 10% of this value. New Zealand’s value was towards the middle in international dollar values among 13 countries compared in 2008


From this, a value was determined to represent what an average person would be willing to pay to reduce the risk of death in road accidents. In crude terms, the state had estimated it would be $235,000 better off for every person that didn’t die.

Now, most of the people who have died of Covid are aged 70 or more. There have so far been 163 deaths, and 108 of those deaths were people over 70 years of age. That means their VOSL would be much much lower as the older you get the less your life is worth.

But let’s just assume that the $235,000 figure stands. That means we have beggared our nation to the tune of $20 million per life or $100 billion in total when the VSOL figure used by NZTA says that we should have spent only $11.75 billion.

Now we get to pay for that insanity, through rampant inflation, through interest rates rises, through interest on the mountain of debt, and all the knock on effects of those decisions and consequences.

That this was all possible is because politicians had unfettered power, and there was no one there to yank on the hand brake.

That is the reason why we must not surrender, why we must stand firm and say no to the current crop of politicians. Do not give them anything, because if you do they do really stupid things with the power.

We need to burn the current political system to the ground with all those currently inside the political wicker man going up with it.

Because if we don’t we will simply be choosing a more efficient or more polite or green type of tyranny, but a tyranny nonetheless.

Our audience are discerning, erudite and considered, so I will now shamelessly plagiarise some of their comments about what needs to happen to our political system.

The whole episode has been shameful. No one has to take medicine they don’t want to, and the politicians have all been severely lacking in understanding this or what our freedoms mean.

Sadly they have all jumped on the same bandwagon, and National would have been more draconian, had they been in government.

If National had been in government the left would have gone nuts at the kind of enforcement and coercion we’ve seen from a left wing government. The unions simply wouldn’t have gone along with it.

We have a wider problem because we have many more bedwetters than we thought, and it is going to be our undoing. The most successful societies are free societies, and this is what has to be unlocked by removing the burden of rules and regulations that increasingly encroach on our lives. That should be the defining difference to any opposition to Labour and National.

There isn’t one party or member in parliament currently that deserves my vote. I’ll be looking for the biggest disrupter to the current inhabitants to try and shake things up. No matter who that may be. You should too.

On top of that, I am now also suspicious of everyone and will not jump on the bandwagon of any ‘New Kids on The Block’ before they prove themselves. Words cost nothing and everyone can promise you a (fake $20) Rolex. Deeds mean everything.

I’m not sure if the word stupid is damning enough to describe politicians. They showed themselves to be the scroungers that they are. They are supposed to represent the people they serve, but they’ve turned out to be self-serving cowards who don’t deserve to be in Parliament. They have demonstrated by their complicity that they agreed that the people are little more than ‘filth’, who would contaminate them if they got too close.

Who do they think they are? We pay them to serve us, not us to serve them.

So give them nothing, take everything away.

Here is a handy checklist for you to complete. Let’s see who has the nuts to do this:

  1. Defriend every politician on Facebook. Unfollow them on Twitter.
  2. Unsubscribe from every political party’s email lists. If they keep coming then mark them as spam and wreck their electronic reputation.
  3. Cancel your membership of political parties, and tell them in writing why you are gone forever.
  4. Do not give them any donations.
  5. Cancel your subscriptions to the mainstream media.
  6. Stop going to the media websites.
  7. Stop watching television news or listening to radio news.
  8. Cancel donations and subscriptions to the Taxpayers Union and the Free Speech Union. They are astroturf organisations who do nothing except bludge money. They were silent on defending actual rights, so turn your back on them. They deserve nothing.
  9. Support media and other organisations who will defend your rights no matter what.
  10. Join the BFD.
  11. Do not give discriminatory businesses your money or custom.
  12. Stop wearing masks; they don’t work anyway.
  13. Confront Karens and Kevins.
  14. Act in favour of freedom before all else.

The power is in your hands. We are not alone. It is up to us to effect change. Do it now.

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