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Why Not Wearing a Mask Is the New Cool

The Cool Kids

It may be hard to believe, well actually it’s not that difficult, but there was a time when smoking was cool.

It wasn’t because of advertising or Hollywood but because, by smoking, you were sending the message “Yes, I know I’m doing something that can kill me but I’m doing it anyway.”

How does that relate to not wearing a mask? Leaving aside that wearing a mask may not offer any protection, you’re sending the same message. Of course, by not wearing a mask you are more than likely to agree that they’re useless; however, I’m talking about other people’s perceptions. You know, the kind of people who wear masks while out walking, or while in a car when they’re the only one in it.

And what of those who object to you not conforming and not being part of the “team of five million”? Same deal. Cool means not conforming and not following the crowd, whatever the reason.

Needless to say, I don’t wear a mask and, if I have to, I make it known as best I can that I’m only wearing it under duress.

But there’s more to not wearing a mask than being cool. Masks dehumanise and depersonalise. By choosing to not wear one you are reclaiming your humanity. And that’s far more important.

Not to mention giving the middle finger to Jacinda.

You know where you can shove your masks, Jacinda…
