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Why the Elites Hate Trump

Trump terrifies the elite because they know communism isn’t the end of history. God will start walking again, and when He does they will be desperate to grasp onto His coattails.

Photo by Tim Gouw / Unsplash

Nathan Smith


It wouldn’t be too surprising if American elites ‘let’ the assassination attempt go ahead against former president Donald Trump. To them, social class is everything and Trump just ain’t ‘one of us’.

Letting someone be shot, rather than shooting someone, is also classic upper-class
Machiavellian morality. Plausible deniability might as well be taught to young elites in preschool (they don’t send their kids to preschool, but you get what I mean). In the upper class, power is measured by the number of people who can do your dirty work. You don’t even need to know their names. In fact, it’s better if you don’t.

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