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Why the Silence From the Left on This One?

The BFD.

As the Western green-left continue to clutch their pearls over the poor widdle Palestinians, it’s worth pointing out that their “anti-war” commitment is decidedly choosy. After all, it’s not as if the Middle East has been exactly short of wars which have killed tens of thousands of civilians — but the loons screeching “ceasefire now” haven’t made a peep about those.

And they’ve been completely silent about a conflict which has claimed nearly ten times as many lives as the war on Hamas. Well, if you’re foolish enough to believe Hamas’ lies about casualties, anyway. The true figure is probably nearly one hundred times as many.

Many of them children — and many of those, child soldiers.

About 10,000 children are still fighting alongside armed groups in Central African Republic more than a decade after civil war broke out, the government said Monday.

Marthe Kirima, the minister for family and gender, said in a statement that children are still being recruited as fighters, spies, messengers, cooks and even used as sex slaves. While 15,000 children have escaped from rebel forces, she said, many are traumatized and find it difficult to return to normal life.

So, where are the weekly marches from the green-left? Why aren’t they committing their “anti-war” fervour to the cause of probably the most deadly conflict in the world right now? Indeed, why, when the pearl-clutchers are pouring billions into “aid” (in other words, Hamas funding), is aid to the catastrophically war-ravaged African nation falling?

It’s funny, isn’t it, that the only war the left is uniquely obsessed with is the only one involving Israel?

The green-left certainly doesn’t seem to be interested in wars where Muslims are the aggressors.

The mineral-rich but impoverished nation has had conflict since 2013, when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power and forced then-President Francois Bozize from office […] “I took up arms because Seleka killed [my] mother and father,” said Arsene, who insisted on only his first name due to the sensitivity of the situation.

Unlike the bloodthirsty “martyrs” of Hamas, African child-soldiers are at least learning from the horrors of war.

Some former child soldiers told The Associated Press that their harrowing experiences had pushed them to become peace ambassadors […]

[Arsene] said a Christian rebel group recruited him when he was 14. After three years of fighting, he now tells young people not to join rebel groups.

Ousmane, another former child soldier, said that joining the rebels ruined his life and that of those around him. “What we did is indescribable,” he said.

Fox News

These child soldiers are traumatised and ashamed of what they were forced to do. On the other hand, Hamas’ young fighters brag about their atrocities.

Yet, who does the green-left march for?


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