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Why Would You Trust Your Toddler to Strangers?

Another globalist social engineering experiment gone horribly wrong.

Just another day at SunnyMarx Daycare. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

For the past 40 years, Western parents have been relentlessly gaslit into blindly submitting to the most grotesque Marxist social experiment since the Great Leap Forward. At least the Chinese parents forced to surrender their newborn offspring to state-run creches had the excuse of being forced at gunpoint. Western parents were just bullied, finger wagged and lied to.

The social experiment I’m referring to, of course, is universal childcare. This is something no human society outside the worst totalitarian regimes of the 20th century has ever foisted on its youngest children. Even the grotesquely militaristic Spartans waited until their kids were seven. Spare me the ‘it takes a village’ blatherskite, too. Even tribal cultures never handed their children over to complete strangers from almost the moment they were born.

We could be forgiven for suspecting that the motive is the same as the Maoists’: forcing women to be just another economic unit, toiling away for the revolution, while the impressionable young begin their indoctrination before they can even talk.

The big lie is that it’s for the benefit of both mother and child. Who really believes this? The spiralling mental illness rates for women and children tell the real story. It can’t be blamed on a general decline, either. One fifth of Western women are on mental health medications, double that of men.

The McCarthyists may have been paranoid, but were they wrong? The Good Oil.

The other excuse is that ‘it’s impossible to raise a family on a single income these days’. There is some truth to this, although it might be better said that it’s difficult to do so and maintain a lifestyle Western families have been told to expect. Is it worth it? Do the big house, the two new cars and the annual overseas holidays mean more than healthy, happy children raised in the security of a home with a loving family member dedicated to the welfare?

Especially when the globalist elite’s mandated preference is so clearly much, much worse.

The moment Emily picked up her son from child care, she knew something was wrong.

The four-year-old had been sad for months, but his tear-streaked face stopped her cold. Heart pounding, she pulled out her phone and hit record.

“His name is Ali,” he murmured, his hands nervously playing with a homemade beaded necklace. “He pinched me on the doodle. That’s what he done … And he was doing that to some of the other boys.”

Recall that the most horrifically prolific paedophile in Australian history, Ashley Griffith, was a childcare worker who used his position to abuse hundreds of children for nearly two decades. Clearly, Griffith, while the worst, is far from the only abuser in the childcare system.

Emily’s case is not an isolated one, it’s a symptom of a system in crisis […]

Four Corners’ analysis of national data reveals a troubling surge in serious incidents – more than 26,000 cases in 2024, a 27 per cent jump in three years.

These incidents can include deaths, serious injuries, trauma or illness, missing children and allegations of sexual, physical or emotional abuse.

Every day, at least seven children go missing, are not accounted for, or are locked out of centres – a 49 per cent increase in three years. Each year, more than 3,000 babies and toddlers are sent to hospital with injuries sustained in child care.

Even when they’re not being physically and sexually abused, children are hardly treated to the sort of care a loving parent or family member would normally provide.

Insiders say parents are being lied to about the quality of food served at childcare centres, with some spending as little as 33 cents per meal on children.

Families and staff said the standard of food at some for-profit childcare centres was “substandard” and “heartbreaking”.

Yet, so deep is the extent of the gaslighting over childcare that even those who acknowledge its horrors insist that the answer is more government, rather than walking away from the whole, flawed scam.

Each state decides how to inspect, investigate, and penalise childcare providers, leading to inconsistent enforcement.

Some states conduct more frequent inspections, others rarely do.

They wouldn’t have to do any if they hadn’t bullied families into surrendering their precious offspring to a literal nanny state.

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