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Will No One Think of the Mass Shooter?

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

When Christchurch mass-murderer Brenton Tarrant shot up mosques, did anyone publish sob stories about how he was abused by his step-father? Does anyone wring their hands about poor widdle Charlie Manson’s deprived upbringing in reform schools?

Yet, when a deranged transvestite goes on a murder rampage against Christians, the media pity-party floods the wires.

From the moment the crime first became known, the tranny lobby’s first reaction was to attack police and media for “misgendering” the killer. Because, in their demented worldview, failing to pretend that a man is a woman, and (in this case) vice versa, is apparently an even greater crime than gunning down teachers and children.

And, for the legacy media, anything is apparently excusable for a cross-dresser.

“This is the first time I’ve ever seen the media take the side of a mass shooter,” said one social media user. “I’ve never seen a mass shooter receive this much empathy, understanding and defending in my entire life,” said another. “It’s almost like there’s an agenda or something…”

That there is indeed an agenda is attested by the fact that media and activists rushed to try and prevent any real insight into the killer’s motivation. In a twist BFD readers would be familiar with, the terrorist wrote a detailed “manifesto” of her motives. But media and activists don’t want you to ever see it.

Calls for police to release the “manifesto” that authorities say was written ahead of Monday’s Nashville school shooting has prompted concern among LGBTQ+ groups, who caution against the publication of such a document.

TVP World

Why? What are they afraid we might learn?

“Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere” (COLAGE), PFLAG, even Log Cabin Republicans all fell over themselves to try and keep the manifesto from public view.
Instead, we just have to take the media’s word for it that it was the victims’ – the wicked Christians’ – fault.

Twisted school shooter Audrey Hale was at odds with her devout Christian parents because they ‘couldn’t accept’ she was gay and transgender, can exclusively reveal.

Daily Mail

Yes: the Daily Mail claims that Hale “was rejected by her Christian parents”, despite the fact that she still lived in their home, as she had for all of her 28 years. That’s an odd sort of “rejection”. The Daily Mail also makes sure to prioritise a cute photo of the killer as a little girl.

The pity party gets worse: the mass murderer was “heartbroken”, donchaknow.

Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale was “heartbroken” over the 2022 death of a girl she was “infatuated” with, who had played on the same basketball team in school.

Samira Hardcastle told the Post “tomboyish” Hale had been deeply affected by the death of Sydney Sims, who was killed in a vehicle accident in August 2022, according to an obituary.

NY Post
“I’ve never seen a mass shooter receive this much empathy, understanding and defending in my entire life”

Meanwhile, the tranny lobby is responding to the continued escalation of tranny violence – from beating up women to mass-murdering Christians, in just a week – by threatening to unleash more violence.

An activist group will hold a “Trans Day of Vengeance” demonstration in front of the Supreme Court on Saturday, warning of “hate from the world.” It will take place five days after the Nashville school shooting which left six dead on Monday.

TRAN has stated on their website: “This protest is about unity, not inciting violence.”

TVP World

Sure, and the unhinged mob hate in Auckland last week was about ‘love’ and ‘inclusion’.
Maybe when you believe that women can have penises and men get periods, you’ll believe this sort of demented nonsense.

The rest of us can see right through it.
